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For Authors

The papers are open access and free of charge.  Authors are not charged any publication fee.

JEM's regulations and requirements are identified in the following documents:

Dear Authors, take your time for reading JEM's Paper Outline  as well as useful information on the JEM website – For Authors  tab. 

Papers that do not fulfill the criteria of JEM and do not follow JEM_Template_for SUBMISSION AND REVISION  file (see above) will not be accepted for the publishing procedure.

Types of papers

JEM publishes:

  • original research papers;
  • book reviews;
  • bibliographic notes on monographs,
  • reports on international conferences organized by the University of Economics in Katowice;
  • reports on the activity of faculties and departments of the University of Economics in Katowice.

JEM publishes findings of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research.


Requirements of papers

Rules for Authors

  1. By submitting a paper to JEM, Authors confirm that the research described in the paper complies with the ethical standards – available here;
  2. Submitted papers should be organized in accordance with the criteria that are referred to in the paragraph below (Required structure of papers);
  3. Submitted papers should be written in English. Please note that spelling must be American, and it must be consistent throughout the text. However, Authors whose native language is not English are kindly requested to have their papers proofread by a native speaker;
  4. Submitted papers should be prepared in accordance with the editorial and technical requirements – see For Authors tab. Please use JEM_Template_for SUBMISSION AND REVISION file (you can find this file above);
  5. Submissions are made via Editorial System - see Online Submissiontab;
  6. Papers (including tables, figures and appendices) should be sent  as Word documents, *.DOC or *.DOCX format.

Multiple or concurrent submissions

  1. Papers submitted for review, published or accepted for publication elsewhere cannot be submitted to JEM;
  2. Papers submitted for review, published or accepted for publication in JEM cannot be submitted to other journals;
  3. Papers previously presented at conferences will be considered for publication provided they have been rewritten (at least 50% of the content) and  no conference proceedings have been published.

Required structure of papers

Papers submitted to JEM should be divided into logical parts labeled as headlines including:

  • Title (preferably no more than 12 words);
  • Names and primary affiliations of the authors; Author's ORCID iD, Authors' telephone numbers (for the editors' information, not printed) and e-mail addresses; Full contact details for the corresponding author;
  • Abstract:  (1) Aim/Purpose, (2) Design/methodology/approach,  (3) Findings,  (4) Research implications/limitations, (5) Originality/value/contribution;
  • Keywords (maximum 5 keywords indicating the content of the paper;
  • JEL Classification codes;
  • Main body: (1) Introduction, (2) Theoretical background (or Literature review), (3) Research methods and procedure, (4) Research findings and discussion, and (5) Conclusions;
  • Acknowledgements (if required);
  • References in APA style (preferably no less than 40 and no more than 80 literature items).

All tables, figures, pictures and other graphics should be placed within the text.

Submitted papers should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces.

Required ORCID iD for each Author

"ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized" (

The main benefits of ORCID for Authors:

  • ORCID iD makes it easier for you to claim ownership of a paper and for the scientific community to correctly attribute and reward authorship;
  • all your publications are in one place;
  • there is no more confusion with researchers with the same name;
  • Crossref's Auto Update refreshes your ORCID record when you submit papers with your ORCID iD.

Dont' have your free ORCID iD yet? Don't hesitate. Get it here!


Review procedure and policy

All papers submitted to JEM are reviewed. The procedure of reviewing and publishing papers are described on the Publishing Procedure site.

1. Preliminary review

The review process begins with the preliminary review made by JEM's editor-in-chief or a JEM editor. It involves an assessment of whether or not the papers meet the journal's thematic and formal requirements. In addition, statistical analyses presented in the papers are assessed on their appropriateness.

2. Double blind review process

All submitted papers are reviewed by two (or more) independent and anonymous reviewers. It is a double -blind review process, i.e. authors and reviewers do not know each other's identities.

Assessment criteria

All submitted papers are evaluated in the following aspects: originality of the paper, theoretical part of the paper, methodological rigor of the paper, relevance of empirical results, overall contribution to knowledge, quality of writing, tables, figures. The evaluation criteria are listed on the reviewers' site.

Reviewers are instructed to make recommendations to accept, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, revise and resubmit, reject. The review is considered to be positive if the paper was not recommended to be rejected.

Papers are accepted for publication if both recommendations are positive. If required, papers may be sent to a third reviewer, to confirm or reject the concerns raised by the two previous reviewers.

You can find our Review Form here.

Please notice that every paper may be rejected by the JEM editors if it is felt that the work was not carried out within an ethical framework. Therefore, Authors are kindly requested to follow our ethical standards described below.

Ghostwriting and Guest authorship (honorary authorship)

Authors are kindly requested to reveal the names and affiliations of any individuals and organizations who contributed to the paper, and the extent of their contribution (e.g. concepts, principles, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the paper). Authors are also required to provide information about the sources of funding (financial disclosure). 

3. Final review

The review process ends with the final review made by the JEM's Editor-in-Chief or other selected JEM's editor who assesses whether the paper meets the reviewers' recommendations.

After this decision, you will be asked to complete personal data, that are specified in JEM_Template_for ACCEPTED PAPERS ONLY (you can find this file above).



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