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Participants from abroad

100 EURO (including: conference bag, lunches and coffee breaks, dinner, cost of publication). Accommodation and travel costs are paid by each participants individually. Please include your full name and annotation “Urban Economics” on the bank transfer.

Recipient:                 University of Economics in Katowice

Recipient address:    1 Maja 50, 40-287 Katowice

Bank:                         ING Bank Slaski S.A.

Bank address:          Sokolska 34, 40-086 Katowice

Account                     (IBAN) PL 70 1050 1214 1000 0023 3448 5238 (in EURO)


VAT Reg.                    PL 6340008825


Participants from Poland

400 PLN (including: conference bag, lunches and coffee breaks, dinner, cost of publication) Accommodation and travel costs are paid by each participants individually. Please include your full name and annotation “Urban Economics” on the bank transfer.

 Recipient:                  University of Economics in Katowice

Recipient address:   1 Maja 50, 40-287 Katowice

Bank:                          ING Bank Slaski S.A.

Bank address:           Sokolska 34, 40-086 Katowice

Account:                     59 1050 1214 1000 0022 9625 8706 (in PLN)

NIP:                             634-000-88-25

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