Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library
The Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library (Polish acronym: CINiBA) is a joint initiative of the University of Silesia and the University of Economics in Katowice, which allowed for the creation of a modern scientific library.
The goal of the project is the construction and opening of a modern scientific library which will meet 21st century standards in terms of rendering available the information necessary for executing programs of studies at both these universities, improving the quality of teaching via increasing the research potential, improving the availability of scientific literature in the region, as well as increasing the role of the University of Silesia and the University of Economics in international scientific relations.
The Library has the biggest collection of books on social sciences and economics in the Upper Silesia. Except for traditional books and magazines, it also has a collection of digital resources (e-magazines, statistical and photographic databases), on-line and CD-ROM data bases. The information on the resources and services offered by the Library are available on:
Find out more about the project of the Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library at:
It is situated at Bankowa 11 in Katowice.
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