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Publication - notes for authors

Submitted papers should be original and written in English.


The article should be divided into logical parts labeled as headlines including:

  • The Affiliations and address of the author(s)
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • JEL codes
  • Main body (e.g. introduction, theoretical background, methods, empirical results, discussion, conclusion etc.
  • References


All tables, figures, pictures and other graphics should be included in the text. They should be black and white and numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text.


References in the text should be quoted in the following manner: Smith (1975) or (Brown and Green, 2014) or, if there are more than two authors... Jones et al. (2009). If references to the same author have the same year, they should be differentiated by using 2002a, 2002b etc. References should be collected at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname. The style should follow the examples below:


Audretsch D. B. (1998): Agglomeration and the location of innovative activity. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 18–29.

Ostrom E. (1990): Governing the commons. The evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


  • Organization of the text - double-spaced throughout in 12-point Times Roman with 1-inch margins.
  • Length – papers should not exceed 15 standard pages.
  • File type – manuscripts should be prepared in MSWord format and sent as attachment by e-mail to:
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