New Frontiers in Finance and Accounting
We are pleased to inform you that this year in October the Faculty of Finance and Insurance at the University of Economics in Katowice will be hosting the fifth edition of its International Week, organised within the framework of Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility.
Our objective is to organise a multicultural event that will be an incentive for students and teachers to learn from and about foreign countries and to gain experience in multinational environment. IW offers you the opportunity to exchange information, plan future cooperation and establish multinational networks.
Academic teachers representing various countries and universities will lead courses of 3 ECTS each for students of our University as well as for Erasmus students. This year we are pleased to host teachers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine and Chile.
The event will be accompanied by the scientific seminar “Towards Research Excellence in Finance – New Challenges” and a series of open keynote lectures.
We hope that the IW will be a great scientific and social experience for all participants.
The Organizing Committee
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