Guest lecturers for the UE Katowice students (ARIMA and FAB only)
Teacher's details | Course |
Prof. dr Marijana Curak University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Croatia | Financial Market Imperfections and the Role of Financial Institutions |
Prof. dr Petra Kroflin Duale Hochschule Ravensburg, Germany | Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Systems |
Prof. Lect. Kathrin Hessling European University of Applied Sciences Rhein-Erft (EUFH), Germany | Irrationalities in Decision Making (Behavioural Economics) |
Prof. dr Barbara Schnieders European University of Applied Sciences Rhein-Erft (EUFH), Germany | Bubble Theory of Speculative Markets |
Prof. dr Iryna Shkura Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine | Business Etiquette and International Protocol |
Prof. dr Katalin Vargáné Kiss Széchenyi István University, Hungary | English for Banking and Finance |
Guest lecturers - electives subjects
Course | Teacher's details | Theme |
Innovation & Strategic Management - selected aspects | Prof. dr Payan Silvia EPHEC Business College-University Belgium | Innovations in strategic management |
Prof. dr Attilia Ruzzene Witten/Herdecke University, Italy | Is Management a Science or an Art? | |
Prof. dr Jur. Giorgos Christonakis Berlin School of Economics & Law, Germany | Regulating Business with respect to Common Concerns | |
Sustainable Finance - selected aspects | Prof. dr Pieter van der Hoeven Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands | Sustainable Finance |
Prof. dr Andreas Woudenberg Inholland University of Applied Sciences The Hague/Rotterdam, Netherlands | Ethics in Banking | |
International & European Taxation Systems | Prof. dr Katerina Krzikallova VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic | Taxation in the Czech Republic and Poland |
Prof. Lect. Ron Van Zon Fontys University Eindhoven | Tax cross-border Poland-Netherlands |
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