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For future students

Acquiring higher education not only allows you to find a better job, but also increases social awareness and enhances knowledge used in everyday, often not so easy life. Being a person with disabilities, you not only can, but also should study. It is worth remembering that being educated makes life a little easier.

Our University offers various forms of support, both financial and non-financial. You can find detailed information on the Accessibility Center webpage.

Dear Candidate!

We invite you to complete a shortSURVEY! We strive to be an open University, creating learning conditions for all. Our goal is to equalize opportunities for people requiring additional assistance (i.e., with disabilities) to receive higher education without any decrease in the level of education received. The information obtained from this survey will allow us to take earlier action and better organize both admission and teaching process. Thank you for your contribution!


Candidates with disabilities wishing to apply for studies at our University have the same rights and obligations as other candidates. Our University offers them support to equalize their chances during the admissions process and later studies.

All candidates undergo an interview process appropriate to their chosen study program. Some programs require an interview. For more information on recruitment, please visit: Admissions

Should you have a problem at any stage of the admissions process due to your health condition, please contact the Accessibility Center operating at our University. Each candidate's situation is addressed individually.

Examples of adjustment of the admissions procedure:

●     inclusion of third parties (e.g., a personal assistant for a candidate with a disability),

●     use of additional assisting devices (e.g., a stationary induction loop to aid hearing),

●     replacement of the place where the admissions procedure is held with an architecturally accessible one,

●     participation of a sign language interpreter.

To receive assistance, you must notify the Accessibility Center at least 14 days before the expected date of support.

Remember that all information regarding your health is treated as confidential.

The application fee for all candidates for studies starting in the academic year 2023/2024 is PLN 85.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.    

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