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Admissions 2025-2026

Admision process step by step

1. Register in the online recruitment system. Complete your personal and address details.

2. Enter your Master's degree diploma details.

3. Upload a photo.

4. Register for the selected program.

5. Upload the research project outline, which is the only document placed in the system in electronic form. All other documents along with a printed version of the research project outline have to be submitted to the Admissions Office in the original. 

6. Submit the original documents to the Admissions Office (Katowice, Bogucicka 5, CNTI building, room 2/18). List of required documents and admission schedule can be found below. Until the documents are submitted, no messages or status changes will appear in the recruitment system.

The qualification procedure is conducted in two stages. Information about the number of points obtained and qualification for the second stage (interview) will be placed in the recruitment system. There you will also find information about the date and place of the interview.

7. Attend an interview. Candidates who have obtained no less than 50% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain in the first stage will be invited to the interview, provided that the number of candidates admitted to the second stage cannot exceed by half the number of places specified in the resolution on the number of places in the first year of education at the doctoral school, separately for the programs in Polish and the programs in English.

8. Check the results in your account in the recruitment system.

Admission schedule

Admission schedule

signing up in the IRK system

31st March (08.00 am CEST*) – 9th May 2025 (02.00 pm CEST)

submitting documents required for qualification to the Admissions Office (room 2/18, Bldg CNTI (Bogucicka 5, Katowice), 08:00 am – 2.00 pm)

5th May –  9th May 2025

submitting applications for adapting the rules and procedure of the interview to the degree and type of disability from candidates with disabilities

31st March – 9th May 2025

accepting requests for electronic document submission via the online candidate registration system (requests must be submitted through the admission system IRK)

31st March –  4th May 2025

announcement of the first stage admission results

by 6th June 2025

announcement of the interview schedule (stage II of admission)

by 6th June 2025

interviews (stage II of the admission process)

16th – 17th June 2025

deadline for submitting documents resulting from the declarations made during the admission process, as specified in § 3(6)(3) and § 3(17) of the recruitment resolution (apostille/legalization of foreign documents and certificates of completion of second-cycle or long-cycle master’s studies)

by 18th July 2025

announcement of the final results

by 31st July 2025

*CEST means Central European Summer Time

NOTE! It is worth to aim to submit the application well in advance, taking into account any difficulties that may arise while collecting the appropriate documents.

General information about recruitment to the Doctoral School

Education at the Doctoral School is free of charge.

Required documents:

1. application for admission to the Doctoral School in the form of a printout from the online recruitment system  (IRK);

2. scientific CV prepared according to the template - template PLtemplate EN; NOTE! Do not submit your professional CVs. The only CV that should be attached to the documentation is the one prepared according to the template provided on the website.

3. application letter containing a description of predispositions and motivation to undertake scientific work;

4. original Master's degree diploma with a supplement or other document specifying the curriculum, or a certificate of passing the master's examination (until the diploma is delivered) along with a document specifying the curriculum (check below for additional requirements for foreign diplomas)Note! A candidate may take part in the recruitment process before he formally completes his studies and obtains a master's degree, provided that he submits a declaration during the recruitment process that the diploma of completion of master's studies or a certificate of completion of second-cycle or long-cycle master's studies will be delivered by July 18, 2025. The candidate will not be officially admitted to the Doctoral School until he/she presents to the Admissions Office a document confirming obtaining the appropriate title within the prescribed deadline. The declaration template is attached as Appendix No. 2 to the recruitment resolution. 

5. outline of the research project, including the topic, clearly identified research gap, research area, research problem and objective, research methods, and literature list. The outline should include a preliminary plan, the expected benefits of the research, and a work timetable for the dissertation. The outline shall not exceed 10 pages, Arial typeface, font size 11 pt, single spacing, margins 2 cm; The printed version of the outline should be submitted with the other required documents, and the electronic version should be attached in the IRK system;

6. documents confirming the knowledge of a modern foreign language at a language proficiency level of at least B2:

- higher education diploma or

- an internationally recognized certificate.

In the case of candidates for the program in English, these documents must certify the knowledge of the English language at a minimum level of B2. These documents are not required from a candidate who is a native speaker of English or a citizen of a country in which English is the official language, as well as persons who have completed a degree program taught in English.

Candidates applying for admission to a programme conducted in English must submit the documents listed in points 1-3 and 5 in English.

In addition, a candidate for the Doctoral School may present:

1. list of publications and other scientific and research achievements along with documents confirming these achievements (in the case of publications: photocopy of pages confirming the title of the journal / monograph / textbook, name of the author, reviewers, publishing committee, table of contents and the entire article / chapter; in the case of participation in the scientific conference: certificate of participation in a scientific conference issued by the organizer, including the form of participation, date, place of the conference and the title of the presentation;  Information on scientific activity not supported by the documentation submitted in the application process is not considered by the admissions committee when evaluating  a candidate. 

2. documents confirming additional qualifications relevant to the planned doctoral dissertation;

3. letter of recommendation from a research or research and teaching employee with experience in scientific and research cooperation with the candidate, indicating the nature and form of this cooperation.

The candidate is obliged to submit a set of original documents (in physical form) for admission to the Doctoral School by the deadline specified in the recruitment announcement. Documents submitted after this date will not be considered. In the case of documents sent by post, the date of submission of the documents is the date of receipt of the documents by the university.

A correctly submitted application for admission to the Doctoral School constitutes the grounds for the admissions process. 

NOTES: Documents should be submitted in a plastic sleeve, and the outline without the separate title page.

Submitting documents electronically via the online candidate registration system

The Rector, in justified cases, and upon an individual request of the candidate, may decide to allow the candidate to provide scans of documents in electronic form using the online candidate registration system. The request should be submitted by the date specified in the admission schedule (4th May 2025). The request form can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Additional information for holders of foreign diplomas

For candidates who have obtained a degree diploma from a higher education institution outside the Republic of Poland, Articles 326 and 327 of the Law on Higher Education and Science shall apply accordingly, with the proviso that:

  • in the case of diplomas conferring the right to apply for the award of the doctoral degree in the country in whose higher education system the institution awarding the diploma operates, a candidate shall submit the legalized or apostilled original of their diploma, together with a supplement or other document specifying the program's curriculum. In the case of lack of the legalization/apostille the candidate is obliged to submit a statement confirming that they will provide legalized or apostilled documents by July 18, 2025. The statement template is attached as Appendix No. 1 to the recruitment resolution.
  • in the case of diplomas or documents confirming the completion of higher education studies abroad and prepared in a language other than English or Polish, a candidate shall additionally provide their sworn translation into Polish or English.

Qualification procedure

Admission to the Doctoral School is based on the number of points obtained by the candidate in the qualifying procedure, but not less than 50 points from both stages combined. The qualification procedure is conducted in two stages:

1) in the first stage, the documentation submitted by the candidate is evaluated. A candidate may obtain a maximum of 55 points in this stage, including for the assessment of:

  • compatibility of the education with the scientific disciplines in which the study program is implemented at the Doctoral School – max. 10 points;
  • academic achievements – max. 10 points;
  • outline of the research project – max. 30 points;
  • recommendation letter – 5 points. 

Candidates who obtained not less than 50% of the maximum number of points possible in the first stage participate in the second stage, provided that the number of candidates admitted to the second stage may not exceed half the number of places specified in the resolution on the number of places in the first year of training at the Doctoral School, separately for programs in Polish and English.

2) in the second stage, an interview is evaluated. For the interview assessment, the candidate may obtain the following number of points for:

  • motivation and competencies to undertake scientific work – max. 25 points;
  • knowledge of research issues – max. 20 points. 

     Administrative decisions issued during the admissions procedure are delivered electronically through the admissions system. A decision to refuse admission to the Doctoral School may be appealed for reconsideration within 14 days of the delivery of the decision.

    The full text of the recruitment resolution regulating the terms and conditions of recruitment:

    Admission rules to the Doctoral School in the academic year 2025/2026

    Templates for declarations and applications

    Request for electronic submission of document - the application must be submitted within the deadline specified in the admission schedule. Before submitting the application, you must register in the IRK system for the selected program

    Appendix No. 1 to Resolution No. 9/2024/2025 of the Senate of the University of Economics in Katowice of October 24, 2024- declaration of legalisation/apostille

    Appendix No. 2 to Resolution No. 9/2024/2025 of the Senate of the University of Economics in Katowice of October 24, 2024 - declaration of diploma

    More information on recruitment to the Doctoral School is provided by Mrs. Anna Maniura from the Admissions Office.

    Online recruitment system:


    phone: (0048)32 257 7058  

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