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Projects completed

International Centre of Research Excellence in Transition of COal REgions (ExCORE)

The project aims to create conditions for networking international research teams and conducting joint scientific research on the green transition of coal regions

The main tasks implemented within the project are as follows:

  • establishing an International Center of Research Excellence,

  • conducting 4 research projects concerning the green transition,

  • organizing workshops and mentoring sessions to improve the research skills of our academic staff,

  • mobility of staff and students in connection with research activities, 

  • disseminating the research results through publications and conferences.

ExCORE is implemented within the framework of the "Strategic Partnerships" program, announced by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Launching the International Center of Research Excellence will serve as a model for subsequent initiatives of this type – fulfilling the goals set in the University's Strategic Plan for 2021-2025.

The project was initiated by principal investigator dr hab. Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala, prof. UE. The ExCORE project team includes dr hab. Tomasz Ingram, prof. UE, dr Marcin Baron i dr Maria Kocot. Support is provided by Internationalization.

This initiative is being implemented in strategic partnership with the following foreign universities: the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), the University of Verona (Italy), VBS-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and the Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia). The University of Essex (UK) also supports the project activities as an External Partner. 

Project duration: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024.

The total value of the project is PLN 544,450.21 and is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) within the framework of the "Strategic Partnerships" program.

Creative Education Academy

The aim of the project was to internationalize teaching programs, make the teaching offer more attractive to international students and promote Poland (and the Silesian region). The project involved launching 3 intensive courses conducted in English for 60 international students:

  • Gamification of Learning

  • Digital Boost Camp

  • Project Based Learning

Invited to participate in the project were international experts (from Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, South Korea, USA, Canada and Chile), who prepared teaching materials and instructions for their use over the following years. Their activities were supported by our University staff, who in turn learned examples of good practice and gained knowledge that could be used in their own teaching activities. 

The primary outcome of the project is an interactive teaching platform for blended learning. The platform includes teaching materials in the form of a game, videos, case studies, and an e-book with substantive materials, as well as guidebooks with instruction on the use of methods such as "design thinking," "pep talk," and "project-based learning". 

Project duration: October 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023

The total value of the project was PLN 489.853,86 and was funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) from the European Union funds within the framework of PO WER, "SPINAKER – Intensive International Education Programs 2020".

For more details, please visit the project pages:

Economics without borders

The aim of the project was to popularize science on an international scale by organizing unique events, which provided an opportunity for scientific debates, as well as presentations of scientific achievements, research and work of outstanding scientists from around the world.

The project included the organization of three events designed to present economic and socio-cultural issues, including aspects of social responsibility and sustainable development, from the perspective of 6 continents (2 for each edition): Europe and Africa; North America and Asia; Australia and South America. In addition, each edition was accompanied by a Global Village showcasing culture of different continents and master-student meetings.

Project duration: December 1, 2021 - May 31, 2023

The project received funding in the amount of PLN 464,940.00 from the Ministry of Education and Science under the program "Social Responsibility of Science". The total value of the project was PLN 516,600.00.

For more details, please visit the project page:

International accreditations

Internationalization supported the implementation of two projects related to obtaining international accreditations:

  • AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • EPAS (European Programme Accreditation System) for International Business (graduate)

The "International Accreditation" project was implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of Task 3.3 "Internationalization of Polish Higher Education". Its aim has been obtaining international accreditations and certificates of professional committees by Polish universities, increasing the international competitiveness of universities.  

For more detailed information on individual accreditations, please visit the following website.

Internationalization of the University website

Internationalization coordinated activities that were part of the "Close – International – All Life Long. Comprehensive program for sustainable development of the University of Economics in Katowice" project. 

Within the framework of Task 11, Module VI, it has been planned to carry out the internationalization process of the University website. It is necessary to constantly improve and update and adapt it to the changing audience, which is increasingly made up of people from abroad in the form of both students and employees of our University.  It is crucial to facilitate access to essential information and services for international students and employees, as well as information on the tasks, services and contact information of organizational units.  

The project was implemented under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development. For that purpose, the National Center for Research and Development awarded the University more than PLN 4.970.000,00 in financing.

For more details, please visit the project page (in Polish).

System of Privileges for Alumni (SPA) UE Katowice

Its main objective was to build long-term relationships and increase the level of involvement of international graduates in cooperation with the University by increasing the number of interaction channels and communication tools, and developing suitable services for them.

The project included the following activities:

  1. Development of the System for Building Relationships with International Alumni.

  2. Initiation of the "Foreign Ambassador" campaign within the System. Its purpose was to cooperate with chosen foreign graduates in promoting our University abroad.

  3. Adaptation and expansion of the loyalty program (System of Privileges for Alumni – SPA) to the needs of foreign graduates.

  4. Improvement of competencies of our University staff through exchanging experiences and learning good practice during mobility to foreign universities.

  5. Organization of the 1st Convention of Foreign Alumni, in order to deepen the relationship between graduates and the University.

Project duration: June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2023. 

The project received funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the program "Welcome to Poland (2020)" in the amount of PLN 199.340,00.

The project was terminated ahead of schedule due to the inability to achieve the intended results, caused by the prolonged pandemic, among other factors.

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