The scope of activity of the Union includes, in particular:
- representing the professional interests of its members before the authorities of the University, state administration bodies, bodies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, social and self-government organizations,
- controlling the observance of labour law regulations, providing legal aid and intervening and mediating in case of individual disputes concerning the employment relationship,
- control over the University authorities' compliance with the obligation to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions for employees,
- taking a position towards the Rector and the Chancellor on matters concerning the rights and interests of the staff, and in particular when establishing work regulations, award and bonus regulations, working time schedules, holiday plans and social and living matters,
- taking a position in individual employee matters within the scope regulated by the labour law,
- cooperation with the University authorities in ensuring fair distribution of benefits to the staff,
- providing material assistance to the members of the Union and their families, if possible and necessary.
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