Electronic catalogue access to the www catalogue
Employees, PhD students and EU students can use licensed databases at home via a proxy server. This solution allows you to connect to any database subscribed to by the Main Library, without any additional formalities. The condition is that you have an email account on the EU server and that you correctly configure your computer according to the instructions provided by the UE IT Centre.
How to access databases (e.g. libraries) outside the UE computer network?
Note: Requires a wireless access account
You can set up a wireless access account here
Configure the proxy server in your browser.
Once configured, close the browser and open it again!
For your convenience, you can use an alternative browser, which will be used only to use the library databases.
In order to verify the correctness of the configuration, you should go to any website such as google.com. If the browser is properly configured, a login window will be displayed.
After entering the correct login data (the same as for the wireless network - as a username we enter e.g. your_user_name @ekonom.ue.katowice.pl or name.surname@edu.uekat.pl) the target website will open.
After the work is finished, restore the original configuration of the browser.
List of journals subscribed to by the Specialist Library
Polish Journals
Item no. Journal title Printed resources Online access
Online access: Subscription completed, Click on the title. Password and login available from the librarian on duty. Free access.
Click on the title, Access to the journal via EMIS on the UE network or via remote access, Free access to the latest issue only. Older issues only article summaries.
Click on the title. Access to the journal and the entire portal. Password and login available from the librarian on duty.
Printed resources: 2001 to 2016
Specialist Library
Specialist Library with its seat in Rybnik
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