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Children’s Economic University

Children’s Economic University (Polish acronym EUD) was set up in 2008 in Warsaw and began to function at the national scale in 2009. Its aim is to promote entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors among the youngest. The offer is addressed to children aged 11-13, pupils of the 5th and 6th grades of elementary schools. Simultaneously, classes for students’ parents and caretakers are organized focusing on issues like how to teach a child spending money reasonably or how to bring up children in the era of internet and technology. Participation in the EUD is free of charge. Find more info.

Academy of Young Economist

Academy of Young Ecomomist (Polish acronym AME) is an all-Poland program of economic education for junior high school students, initiated and run by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education in cooperation with local partners. The Academy was initiated on September 2008 for children who graduated from the Children’s Economic University. AME operates within a semester cycle. The program consists of lectures, workshops and seminar discussions. The organization of workshops is supported by economy and psychology students who are team leaders. The main topics of the courses revolve around the issues related to economics, management, marketings, economic history, psychology and business ethics. Participation is free of charge. Find more info.

Economics for Upper Secondary School

Economics for Upper Secondary School (Polish acronym ELiT) is a unique program of designed the University of Economics in Katowice. Its offers interactive lectures and workshops to pupils of technical schools (technikum) and General lyceums (liceum). Simultaneously, experts conduct courses for students’ parents and caretakers. The aim of the program is to promote knowledge and economic awareness among young people. Find more info in Polish.

University of Economics of the Third Age

The program features courses for persons in the age of 50+. The senior students participate in workshops, seminars, computer and foreign language courses as well as dance classes. The themes revolve around wide verity of subjects like public transport, history or architecture, house budget planning, media and marketing etc. Find more info in Polish.

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