In compliance with the adopted strategy, the University of Economics in Katowice, based on Order No 51/20 begins the fourth stage of the transition process to online education, which assumes - in the event of such necessity - the possibility of defending the thesis using online tools. Thus, all the legal requirements for online education and verification the learning outcomes within the University of Economics in Katowice have been introduced.
Due to the actions undertaken by the University based on the operational strategy during pandemic, the academic year, including: lectures, classes, laboratories, seminars as well as credits and examinations will be completed as planned.
At the same time, we would like to remind that until June 8, 2020, i.e. until the end of the classes belonging to the spring semester, the classes with the active participation of an academic teachers for all groups of students and doctoral students are being continued online. According to the third stage of the transition to online education under Order No. 39/20, semester credits are carried out using online technology.
We would like to express the hope for the possibility of conducting examinations within the University premises. If, however, this is still not possible due to the pandemic situation, considering the safety of students, Ph.D. students and employees of the University, the examinations will also take place via online tools. Information about the form of conducting examinations will be announced to the academic community before May 15, 2020.
In compliance with the requirements of the Law on Higher Education and Science, in the spring semester quality education surveys will be conducted with references to all academic teachers. These surveys will be carried out online using digital tools for conducting anonymous research. We encourage you to share your opinions about e-learning classes, as well as ideas for improving them. Thanks to your opinions, it will be possible to develop and improve the online learning process, not only during the pandemic, but also after returning to the University.
In response to your suggestions, a special portal was created containing all information about the online learning process in one place:
Wish you a lot of health and enthusiasm for learning!
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