Bearing in mind the safety and health of all members of the academic community and pursuant to Rector's Order No. 7/21 (as amended) on the principles of operation of the University of Economics in Katowice in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021, I would like to inform you that the summer exam session will be held remotely.
Therefore, all legal regulations necessary for verification of the learning outcomes of our University's students, which are available in the Public Information Bulletin of the University, have been modified.
Credits for courses conducted in the summer semester of the 2020/2021 academic year will be granted on the basis of the remotely held assessments, following the rules specified by lecturers.
The summer semester exams will be conducted in accordance with the schedule established by the Dean of the School of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies and the Director of the Doctoral School. The exam session schedules will be published on the Schools' website two weeks prior to the session start date. You will receive information regarding the form of the exam for a given subject and the tool used from the lecturer no later than 2 weeks before the start of the exam session.
Exams can be organized via Google G Suite, MS Teams or other platforms. Detailed rules for using the mentioned platforms are available at:
I would also like to inform you that pursuant to the Order No. 74/20 (as amended by Order 86/20), due to the epidemic situation, the Dean of the School of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies decided to conduct diploma exams (defense of the diploma dissertation) in a remote form, in accordance with the applicable Rules and Regulations of Studies and the principles laid down in the above-mentioned Order.
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