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Instructions for conducting courses with the use of Google Classroom 2021/2022

We encourage all teachers to familiarize themselves with instructions for conducting courses using the Google Classroom platform. For the winter semester 2021/2022, all courses (including but not limited to lectures, classes, seminars, foreign language courses and physical education) must be created in the Google Workspace e-learning platform formerly known as G Suite for Schools and Universities (Google Classroom), regardless of whether they are held remotely or on-campus.

Due to:

  • formal requirements related to archiving and reporting for accreditation purposes,
  • integration with student accounts in the uekat domain and with e-mail,
  • the scale of courses conducted in the previous semester, and thus the experience of staff and the materials/instructions prepared,
  • accessibility and ease of use,
  • previous experience with courses realized online

Google Workspace platform, and in particular Google Classroom, will act as the primary communication platform between lecturers and students. Other tools, including the Moodle platform, may only play a supplementary role in relation to Google Classroom. If teaching materials are made available through another platform, students should be informed of that fact via classes created in Google Classroom.  


Google Classroom - conducting courses


Creating and naming classes

Before starting the teaching process in Google Classroom, classes should be created. All lectures and exercises for each student group, should be entered as a separate class and named according to the template:

Name: abbreviationofthestudyprogram_lecturename e.g. FiR_BasicMarcoeconomics_SN

Note: in case of lectures you should add SS - full-time programs or SN - part-time programs. 

Name: abbreviationofthestudyprogram_exercisesname_GROUP e.g.: GiZP_BasicsofManagement_GC08

Teachers are required to add individual tasks/meetings in the created classes (e.g., the next lecture or exercises), according to the timetable, even if the individual lectures, exercises, etc. will not be taught using the Google Classroom platform. Individual tasks should include the following information: the name of the lecture/exercises, etc., the teaching materials, and a link with an invitation to participate in the specific task (meeting) on the Google Meet platform.

Teaching materials for students preparing for the task (meeting) or links to them should be made available on the Google Classroom platform well in advance of the planned classes, at dates agreed upon with the students, while the materials from a given task (meeting) - at the latest 1 day after the completion of the task (meeting).

Instructions for naming courses correctly in Google Classroom as of the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year


Name: course name
Section: abbreviationofthestudyprogram_typeofclass_modeandlevel_academicyear_semester


Name: Makroekonomia (Macroeconomics)
Section: E_w_SI_20/21_lato (E_l_SI_20/21_summer)


Name: course name
Section: abbreviationofthestudyprogram_typeofclass_modeandlevel_academicyear_semester


Name: Makroekonomia (Macroeconomics)
Section for exercises: E_ćw_gc01_SI_20/21_lato (E_cl_gc01_SI_20/21_summer)
Section for laboratories: E_lab_gc01_SI_20/21_lato (E_lab_gc01_SI_20/21_summer)
where ćw – exercises, lab - laboratories


Name: course name
Section: abbreviationofthestudyprogram_typeofclass_modeandlevel_initialyear/finalyear_supervisor’sinitials


Name: Seminarium magisterskie (Master's seminar)
Section: E_sem_SI_19/21_SS

Where the value 19/21 means that the seminar starts in 2019 and ends in 2021. A seminar once established on the Google Classroom platform, is active for all semesters of its duration. For a seminar established in the winter semester 2020/2021, that is currently ongoing, it is possible to revise the name and section without creating a new seminar class in the summer semester.

Classes taught in English

Name: Strategic Management
Section for lectures: IB_l_SII_20/21_summer
Section for exercise: IB_cl_SII_20/21_summer
Section for seminars: IB_sem_SII_21/21_SS
where cl - classes, l – lecture


Name: course name
Section: awfgroup_initialofinstructor'sname.instructor’s surname_ academicyear_semester


Name: Wychowanie fizyczne (Physical education)
Section: gf01_E.Bronder_20/21_lato (gf01_E.Bronder_20/21_summer)


According to the format required by the Foreign Language Center.

Mode and level should be entered according to the following format:

SI - full-time first-cycle programs
SII - full-time second-cycle programs
NI - part-time first-cycle programs
NII - part-time second-cycle programs
SIII - Doctoral School and doctoral studies

Note: As an exception, if the lecture and exercises/laboratories are conducted for one group and by the same instructor, it is possible to create one class on Google Classroom platform with the number of the student group to which the class applies specified and without identifying the type of class (lecture/exercises/laboratories). Based on the examples above, the section should include the following information: E_gc01_SI_20/21_lato (E_gc01_SI_20/21_summer)


Teachers are required to add individual tasks/meetings in the created classes (e.g., the next lecture or exercises), according to the timetable, even if the individual lectures, exercises, etc. will not be taught using the Google Classroom platform. Individual tasks should include the following information: the name of the lecture, exercise, etc., the teaching materials, and a link with an invitation to participate in the specific task (meeting) on the Google Meet platform.

Teaching materials for students preparing for the task (meeting) or links to them should be made available on the Google Classroom platform well in advance of the planned classes, at dates agreed upon with the students, while the materials from a given task (meeting), at the latest 1 day after the completion of the task (meeting).


Evaluation of the quality of education:

Towards the end of the semester, a study on the quality of education at the University of Economics in Katowice will be conducted. It is recommended to allow students fill in the questionnaire during the last or classes before last.

Archiving of classes:

Prior to the commencement of the new semester, but no sooner than after submitting the protocols to the Dean’s Office, courses belonging to the completed semester must be archived. Instructions on the procedure to be undertaken for archiving purposes is available on the website

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