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Vice-Rector's message regarding organization of education and safety on campus

Dear Students and Doctoral Students,

in relation to the announcement of the Rector, Prof. Celina M. Olszak, I would like to present the principles of conducting courses at the University of Economics in Katowice in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

In this semester, for the first time, courses for all undergraduate and graduate students will be conducted in a hybrid form, while, in accordance with the announcement of the Rector on conducting courses at the Doctoral School, courses for doctoral students will be held on-campus. This decision was primarily motivated by a great concern for the health and safety of members of the academic community, as well as an interest in the quality of education provided at the University. We have closely assessed the number of students in particular programs, the form of realized courses, and the University’s infrastructure.

Classes, laboratories and PE for undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as courses in English-language programs (carried out in a single group) and courses for doctoral students, due to the small number of student groups, will be, as a rule, conducted on-campus. Lectures and courses carried out in a larger number of groups, as well as seminars, foreign language courses and office hours will be held remotely.

As a consequence of implementing the hybrid form of education in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022, I would like to emphasize that every effort has been made to arrange timetables in such a way as to ensure the greatest possible comfort and safety of conducted courses. Therefore it has been decided that on particular days of the week courses will be carried out either remotely or on-campus, which is reflected in the presented timetable. The timetables available in Virtual University have appropriate symbols for courses conducted remotely ("n/z" means remote teaching) and on-campus (room number is synonymous with on-campus courses).

Furthermore, for the sake of safety of all members of the academic community, I encourage you to follow the guidelines for the safe operation and realization of courses at the University, which will be presented by September 30, 2021 in the Rector's Order on the rules of operation of the University of Economics in Katowice in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

I would like to inform you that all courses (including but not limited to lectures, classes, seminars, foreign language courses and physical education) will be conducted using Google Workspace e-learning platform, regardless of whether they are conducted on-campus or remotely. For this reason, it is necessary for you to sign in to the Google Workspace Platform beforehand. In case of any difficulties related to participation in courses, please contact the academic teacher responsible for a given course.

At the same time, I would like to point out that the University constantly monitors the epidemic situation and all the recommendations of the state authorities and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

I want to take this opportunity to inform you that a service center for foreign students and staff has been established at our University. It is a place where foreigners can seek information and assistance in getting to know the region, the city and the University. They will also receive help with finding accommodation, legalization of stay or nostrification of diplomas. Welcome Point is a place open to all who appreciate the values and benefits of working together in an international environment. I encourage you to visit this unique place.

I wish you every success, fulfilment of your dreams and passions, as well as personal, scientific and professional development.

Above all, I wish you all good health.


prof. Slawomir Smyczek, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations

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