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Staff volunteering

The staff of the University of Economics in Katowice engage as volunteers in charity campaigns, and – as experts – they are moderators or speakers during conferences, workshops and other meetings for young people.

Examples of activities:

  • Let’s help Santa Claus
    This is an annual December campaign of the staff of the Faculty of Finance and Insurance, during which donations are collected for children in “Zakątek” Orphanage in Katowice. It involves collecting gifts that can be left at the dean's office as well as in department secretariats. Gifts are then given to children in the orphanage.
  • Spokespersons vs. Journalists – 1% for Silesia
    Every year in spring, spokespersons and journalists from Silesia play a match in one of the sport disciplines (volleyball, shooting, squash, badminton, basketball and futsal so far). Competing with each other, journalists and spokespersons try to show how much can be done with 1% annual settlement tax. Every year, they are guided by the idea of dedicating a 1% tax to public benefit organizations in the region. The spokesman of the University of Economics in Katowice also participates in the event. 
  • Future Entrepreneurs
    Each year, the staff of the University of Economics in Katowice support the path for young people "Future Entrepreneurs" organized as part of the European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. They act as moderators of discussion panels and speakers. The organizer of the Future Entrepreneurs path is the Youth Forum operating at the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice. 
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