The Conference will be a two-day event. The conference will consist of traditional panels (presentation of papers and a discussion) as well as discussion panels (without any papers, a discussion about issues proposed by the moderator). The conference will consist of four/five keynote speakers (invited by the organizer), two plenary sessions (speakers invited by the organizer), and parallel sessions (abstract submissions). The speeches will last 15 minutes.
The first day of the conference (28.11.2024) will be conducted in English. On the second day (29.11.2024), a conference will be held in English until 11.30 (distinguished keynote address, three parallel sessions). Later, the conference will be conducted in Polish (three parallel sessions, a plenary session, distinguished keynote address, and end-of-conference and thanks). Guests from outside Poland will go sightseeing in Silesia after 11.30.
The Organizers ensure simultaneous translation during the entire Conference.
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