Programme Council of the Conference
Presidium of the Programme Council
- Chair: Prof. Raphael Heffron (Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, FRANCE),
- Vice-chairman: Dr. Marcin Kraśniewski (University of Economic in Katowice, POLNAD),
- Vice-chairman: Dr. Rudiger Tscherning (University of Calgary, CANADA),
- Secretary: Grzegorz Zych (University of Economic in Katowice, POLNAD).
Member of the Programme Council
- Prof. Helle Tegner Anker (University of Copenhagen, DENMARK),
- Prof. Catherine Banet (University of Oslo, NORWAY),
- Dr. Camila Barreto Pinto Silva (Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, BRASIL),
- Prof. Ido Baum (Haim Striks School of Law, ISRAEL),
- Prof. Kati Cseres (University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS),
- Prof. Marzena Czarnecka (University of Economic in Katowice, POLAND),
- Prof. Milan Damohorský (Charles University in Prague, CZECHIA),
- Prof. Fatih Buğra Erdem (University of Ankara, TURKEY),
- Prof. Pablo Ferrara (University of Salvador, ARGENTINA),
- Prof. Katarzyna Gromek-Brock (University of Pavi, ITALY),
- Prof. Tina Soliman Hunter (Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA),
- Dr. Michael LaBelle (Central European University, AUSTRIA),
- Prof. Valeria Lymar (Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, UKRAINE),
- Prof. Jurgita Malinauskaite (Brunel University London, UNITED KINGDOM),
- Prof. Darren McCauley (Newcastle University, UNITED KINGDOM),
- Dr. Matúš Michalovič (Comenius University Bratislava, SLOVAKIA),
- Prof. Luis Mundaca (Lund University, SWEDEN),
- Prof. Rute Saraiva (University of Lisboa, PORTUGAL),
- Prof. Johannes Saurer (University of Tübingen, GERMANY),
- Prof. Daniele Senzani (University of Bologna, ITALY),
- Prof. Maciej M. Sokołowski (Keio University, JAPAN),
- Dr Madeline Taylor (Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA).
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