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Topics of the seminars of the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematics

SpeakerThe title of the paperDate
Anna Janiga-Ćmiel, Ph.DAnalysis of economic development in Poland in the years 1958-200614.11.2018
Tomasz Bąk, M.Sc  Spatial sampling methods in economic studies. (Doctoral defense)17.10.2018
Tomasz Żądło, Associate ProfessorTeaching with SPSS package10.10.2018
Michał Miłek, M.ScSimulation methods in the analysis of time series13.06.2018
Tomasz Stachurski, M.ScMonte Carlo analysis of the accuracy of the median estimators for different sampling plans16.05.2018
Małgorzata K. Krzciuk, M.ScOn some tests for linear mixed models25.04.2018
Katarzyna Ostasiewicz, Ph.D Inequality. Methods and measurement problems11.04.2018
Grzegorz Sitek, M.ScStatistical inference in financial audit using mixtures of probability distributions21.03.2018
Mirosław Wójciak, Ph.D Subjective probability in the analysis of foresight results06.03.2018
Dominika Polko-Zając, M.ScOn population comparison based on two sets of variables21.02.2018
Katarzyna Zeug-Żebro, Ph.D Risk analysis of investment portfolios built on the basis of the fractal dimension24.01.2018
Rafał Kucharski, Ph.D Gini index and Robin Hood index. Gini index and Robin Hood index17.01.2018
Anna Janiga-Ćmiel, Ph.D Analysis of the contagion effect in the field of selected issues13.12.2017
Katarzyna Warzecha, Ph.D The use of information and communication technologies by young people. Socio-economic aspects06.12.2017
Małgorzata Złotoś, M.ScOn the use of methods for planning factor experiments in the construction of statistical indices29.11.2017
Andrzej Wójcik, Ph.D Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union - one of the goals of sustainable development29.11.2017
Monika Miśkiwicz-Nawrocka, Ph.D Application of the largest Lapunov and Hurst exponent to build an optimal portfolio15.11.2017
Ph.D Ewa Pośpiech, Ph.D Application of the TOPSIS method in a fuzzy approach to the selection of stock exchange assets25.10.2017
Małgorzata Krzciuk, M.Sc  Model approach in small area statistics and its application in economic research18.10.2017
Jacek Leśkow, Associate ProfessorResampling methods for cycostationary time series11.05.2017
Michał Mierzwa, M.Sc (UPC Polska)The process of creating scoring models using the CHAID classification20.04.2017
Tomasz Bąk, M.Sc Spatial sampling methods used in economic research30.03.2017
Tomasz Szkutnik, Ph.D Censoring of data in banking. Operationa risk09.03.2017
Adrianna Mastalerz-Kodzis, Ph.DApplication of the Hurst exponent and Hölder's function to model the variability of time series and spatial data19.01.2017
Tomasz Żądło, Associate ProfessorOn the evaluation of accuracy in small area statistics08.12.2016
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