By car
If you are planning to come to Poland by car we recommend using the following website for driving directions. Once you reach Katowice you should contact your mentor.
Polish road regulations:
- Traffic is right-hand;
- Speed limits: 50 km/hour in built-up areas from 5 AM to 11 PM and 60 km/hour from 11 PM to 5 AM, 90 km/hour outside built-up areas, 120 km/hour on dual carriageways and 140 km/hour on motorways;
- Permitted blood alcohol level is 0.2 per cent;
- Dipped headlights must be used all day, all year round;
- Foreign drivers can use their national driving licence or an international driving licence for up to six months after entering Poland;
- Seatbelts must be worn by both front seat and back seat passengers;
- It is prohibited to use hand-held mobiles while driving.
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