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Student assistant for students/doctoral students with disabilities

All students/doctoral students with a valid disability certificate are eligible to apply for the student assistant.

If you find it difficult to fully participate in classes due to a disability (difficulties in taking notes or communication with the group and teachers, mobility impairment), you can apply for the support of the student assistant. 

Everyone interested in receiving such assistance indicates independently the person who will perform this role. The best choice for the assistant is a fellow classmate from the group or at least a person studying the same program – however, this is not a necessary requirement. In justified cases, the assistant can be someone who is not a student (e.g., a family member). At the student's request, the Accessibility Center can assist in the search for the assistant.

The student assistant enters into a mandate contract with our University through the Accessibility Center. The assistant is paid monthly based on the submitted Schedule of performed activities.

The assistant's tasks include:

●        assistance in moving around and between University buildings,

●        taking notes during teaching activities,

●        supporting a student / doctoral student in dealing with all formalities related to studies – in Student Services and other organizational units of the University, including assistance in the use of library resources.

To use the services of the student assistant, go to the Forms Procedures Deadlines tab, then:

●        if you are already registered in the Accessibility Center – complete the application for support;

●        if you are NOT registered in the Accessibility Center – please register and then complete the application for support.

The decision informing you of granting the services of the student assistant (or not) will be sent to your email. In case of a positive decision, you should provide the Accessibility Center with your current study timetable and, if possible, indicate the student who will act as your assistant, or request help to find the appropriate assistant.    

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