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The Center for History and Academic Traditions of the University of Economics in Katowice is responsible for:

  • collecting, storing, and preserving materials and documents relating to the history of the University (so-called special collections);
  • sharing and promotion of documents, information and objects proving the establishment and development of the University, as well as distinguished figures associated with its activities;
  • dissemination of collections in the field of higher economic education in Silesia, including disciplines and subjects in economic sciences taught at the university, complementary social, humanistic and other disciplines;
  • cooperation in the organization of commemorative meetings and events, including the anniversaries of the University and its employees, as well as preparation and development of materials concerning the University;
  • protecting and developing the collections;
  • displaying the collected collections on permanent and temporary exhibitions and making them available for educational, scientific and promotional purposes, as well as conducting the exhibition activity of the Main Library;
  • cooperation with other centers performing similar tasks in Poland and abroad;
  • carrying out activities for the Main Library and the Faculty Libraries aimed at promoting their activities and providing library and information services to readers.  
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