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The Internal Regulations carries out the following tasks:

  • preparation of internal normative acts on the basis of drafts prepared by organizational units competent in terms of their subject matter;
  • developing draft internal normative acts on matters commissioned by the management of the University;
  • providing formal and legal support to entities preparing draft internal normative acts;
  • consultation on draft internal normative acts with substantive organizational units, university authorities and (if required) with trade unions, Student Parliament, PhD Students' Council;
  • legal consultation on draft internal normative acts;
  • submitting to the Rector, Chancellor, other persons competent to represent the University, drafts of internal normative acts (excluding resolutions) for signing;
  • keeping a register of binding normative acts issued by the University;
  • publishing the Rector's resolutions in the Public Information Bulletin;
  • monitoring the status and needs with regard to internal legal regulations;
  • providing information on the content of internal normative acts and making them available to interested organizational units;
  • providing current information on generally applicable legal acts as well as explanations, interpretations and press articles;
  • preparation of documentation related to the legal basis of the University's activities and its history, through cooperation with the archives, parent institutions and institutions cooperating with the University;
  • updating the organizational structure of the University on the basis of resolutions of the Senate, Faculty Councils, written recommendations of collegiate and single-person authorities, in accordance with the procedure and principles laid down in the Statute, the Academic Regulations and other internal legal acts,
  • drawing up powers of attorney granted by statutorily authorized bodies of the University, keeping a register of powers of attorney for legal activities on behalf of the University, University management, representation of the University before courts, arbitration teams, state administration bodies, in contacts with other external entities,
  • keeping a register of powers of attorney granted by the Rector,
  • keeping a register of contracts,
  • keeping a register of legal opinions,
  • conducting cases related to debt collection and enforcement at the University, in cooperation with the Student Fees and Debt Collection and the Legal Counsel
  • maintaining documentation on court cases, cooperation with the Legal Counsel and the Bursar’s Office in this respect.
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