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Scope of tasks of the International Relations Office

The tasks of the International Relations Office include organization and coordination of activities regarding implementation of international cooperation in the field of education,  scientific research and developing relations with universities and foreign institutions, in particular: 

  1. administrative support for foreign trips of students, doctoral students, University employees and non-employees;
  2. conducting arrivals of foreign guests;
  3. conducting payments for foreign publications;
  4. supervision over implementation of international teaching projects; 
  5. implementation of international mobility teaching projects;
  6. performing a function of the University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme;
  7. recruitment of candidates and administrative support for students qualified for short-term studies at the University of Economics in Katowice within international exchange programmes and bilateral agreements;
  8. recruitment and administrative support for University students regarding studies abroad within international exchange programmes and bilateral agreements;
  9. administrative support for University students qualified for internships abroad within international exchange programmes and tripartite agreements;
  10. organization and support for international educational events of the University;
  11. keeping records and monitoring of implementation of signed international agreements;
  12. drawing up drafts of internal legal acts regarding international cooperation;
  13. collecting, promoting and providing information on the mode and criteria of financing of projects, which are financed or co-financed from foreign funds;
  14. assistance in drawing up contracts regarding financing provisions, determining eligible costs, pre-financing, etc. within projects financed or co-financed from foreign funds;
  15. drawing up annual and multi-year plans regarding international cooperation of the University within the competence of the Office;
  16. administrative support for the Senate Committee on International Cooperation;
  17. conducting correspondence of the Rector's Authorities of the University within the competence of the Office;
  18. drawing up reports, analyses and summaries regarding implementation of tasks within competence of the Office;
  19. coordination of tasks related to the University's activities as a member of the IROs Forum – a network of international relations offices of leading Polish universities; 
  20. performing a function of a unit implementing tasks in the field of international cooperation regarding education, scientific research and developing relationships with universities and foreign institutions. 
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