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Lifelong Learning Center

The Lifelong Learning Center is a unit subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Education and Internationalization. It is primarily responsible for initiating and implementing economic education programs for various age groups.

  • Children’s Economic University (Polish acronym: EUD) - for pupils in grades 5 and 6 of primary school
  • Academy of Young Economist (Polish acronym: AME)  for junior high school students;

EUD and AME are nationwide projects run by our University in cooperation with the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education.

  • Economics for Upper Secondary School (Polish acronym: ELiT) - for secondary school students - original program of the University of Economics in Katowice.
  • University of Economics of the Third Age (Polish acronym: UETW) - the only profiled university for mature people in Poland.  
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