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Scientific and research offer

Scientific fundamental research are coordinated by university research teams and departments, individual young researchers and PhD students within the Colleges.

Core R&D activities are financed by funds from Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Science Centre and European Commission (Horizon2020). 

Applied  research are coordinated by university interdisciplinary research teams. Core applied research are financed under domestic and strategic research programs coordinated by the National Centre for Research and Development and under research, consulting, organization of trainings and expert opinions ordered/commissioned by institutions and companies from private sector.

College of Economics

The College is a ‘centre’ established to improve research and teaching programs focused on economic and social development. It has a right to award doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in the field of economic sciences (discipline – economics) and doctoral degrees in the discipline of management science. The College has the first scientific category - A, according to the evaluation criteria of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Didactic process developed by the academics is aimed at teaching highly qualified specialists in Economics, International Economic Relations, Spatial Economy, Business and Public Management, Logistics, Finance and Management Protection of Health.

Fundamental research focused on:

  • international economic systems and economic relations in Poland and in the word;
  • internationalization, globalization and competitiveness in macroeconomic scale, economic situation; integration processes in Europe, market transformation; research on the theory of modern economics;
  • economic problems of transport development, studies on transport efficiency in the context of global economy;
  • e-commerce, e-markets, market research, marketing activity and distribution;
  • knowledge-based economy and information society;
  • spatial economy – local and regional development;
  • smart cities development, revitalization of towns and cities, metropolization of agglomerations;
  • entrepreneurship and competitiveness of companies, cities and regions;
  • labour market – creation of new jobs, studies on situation of different age groups on labour market;
  • social services, including housing services, insurance services, educational services, health care services and recreation services;
  • demographic processes, quantitative and qualitative methods in solving social problems;
  • design and implementation of management information systems, analytics and Business Intelligence, knowledge management, e-services, e-learning; environmental protection management;
  • public relations and image of organization;
  • intellectual capital management, innovative business, organizational creativity;
  • organization management – public organization management, innovation management in public sector;
  • statistical and mathematical methods in economics processes, insurance processes, research on economic risk, forecasting of economic development;
  • migration processes in the context of regional development;
  • cohesion policy and the regional development context.

Applied research focused on:

  • planning and developing on: public services, social services, transport services, management information systems, decision support systems, e-learning, information services, health care services, marketing services, ecology and transport services, local and regional development policy;
  • expert opinions and research on economic risk, development of economic processes;
  • research opinions on transport development;
  • expert opinions on regional development;
  • research on labour market, urban space planning;
  • rural area development in the context of urbanization processes.

College of Finance

The College aims at strengthen its academic position in finance and accounting, by cooperating with international environment. It has the authority to award PhD degrees and a post – doctoral degrees in the discipline of economics, and a PhD degrees in the discipline of finance. The College implements teaching programs for undergraduate and graduate studies in finance and accounting (with multiple specializations), health care finance and management and PhD studies. It offers also graduate studies in cooperation with foreign universities under joint diploma programs. The academic staff of the College cooperates with business entities, institutions, professional organizations and other administrative units.

Fundamental research focused on:

  • banking sector stability;
  • restructuring and adjustments in banking sector;
  • innovations in banking payment system;
  • investors in non-treasury debt market; 
  • business tax strategies; business insurance decisions;
  • business and financial management in crisis time;
  • financial strategy of business in the context of changes in capital markets;
  • dividend policy of companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange value and valuation of businesses, including MSE;
  • business capital structure in implementing risk management systems;
  • institutions for tax interpretations and their influence on business finance;
  • financial management in the context of implementing innovative financial mechanisms;
  • financial reporting for acquisitions, restructuring business transformations;
  • financial statements of SMEs;
  • management control in public sector;
  • financial reporting; valuating of assets, liabilities and equities;
  • accounting policy and earnings management in reporting entities;
  • cost accounting systems and management accounting methods;
  • capital budgeting, appraisal of investment projects;
  • real options in capital budgeting;
  • project risk management for businesses operating in construction industry;
  • investment property of companies;
  • business law, labour law, protection of private and discrete information;
  • dilemmas in legislation;
  • financial control system for fiscal policy; quantitative methods in asset and risk management;
  • planning, implementing and using ICTs in enterprises and public administration.

Applied research focused on:

  • valuation of investment projects, in particular in the energy and natural resources management sector;
  • capital market research for building effective investment portfolios;
  • expert opinions judicial expertise on finance, accounting, valuation of companies and real estates;
  • design and implementing of cost management systems;
  • development and design of accounting policies and earnings management (in accordance with the Accounting Act and International Financial Reporting Standards);
  • auditing of financial accounting software testing compliance with the requirements of accounting law;
  • analyzis of the financial situation of companies/enterprises;
  • analyzis of the financial management of the public sector units;
  • development of corporate financial strategies;
  • expert opinions and research on ICTs for enterprises and public administration.

College of Informatics and Communication

The College was established  in January 2009 and now offers academic programs for more than 1000 students in  Informatics, Informatics and Econometrics, Journalism and Social Communication. More than 75 academic staff in a cooperation with students and business experts promote and coordinate research in  fields of business informatics, communication theory and management science. Many conducted projects are interdisciplinary and are aimed to  integrate knowledge from ICT, communication and management science designing intelligent application and smart content for new media. Our courses, educational and  research programs are designed to satisfy  needs and interests of students, business  and other stakeholders who have different aims, plans and aspirations but common passion for designing and implementing new ideas in creative industries.

Fundamental research focused on: 

  • knowledge and communication technologies in business and public sectors (semantic technologies, databases and data warehouses, business intelligence systems, expert systems, intelligent conversation systems, location technologies and knowledge extraction);
  • semantic modelling of organization;
  • knowledge management in organizations, knowledge management in projects and projects oriented organizations, corporate architectures, ontology engineering, new media and social networking technologies in organizations, modelling of organization behaviour in cyber space);
  • analyzis and modeling of business processes;
  • decision support systems in business organizations and public administration;
  • multi-criteria decision support;
  • decision support in project management (models of technical and social virtualization and sharing IT resources (virtualization technology and cloud computing, development of virtual organizations, management and economics of cloud computing);
  • process management using business intelligence systems;
  • stochastic modeling and risk analyzis;
  • implementation of new media in business;
  • implementation of new media in marketing;
  • relationship marketing for B2B and B2C markets;
  • the network capacity of enterprises;
  • market behavior of consumers and businesses;
  • e-communication and economic journalism;
  • implementation of IT solutions in health care sector.  

Applied research focused on:

  • designing knowledge bases for the purposes of legal and administrative decisions-making;
  • basic and appliance training courses in Constraint Logic Programming-CLP;
  • data warehouse design; business data analyzis;
  • analyzis and modelling of business processes;
  • training in business process modelling;
  • analyzis and design of enterprise architecture;
  • creating knowledge bases of expert systems;
  • supply of expert services in the scope of EU projects’ evaluation;
  • making available computer laboratories for common research with practice;
  • awarding certificates and awards in cooperation with business and social organizations;
  • marketing research on the Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C) markets;
  • marketing Strategy Design;
  • customer Relationship Management training courses;
  • project Management training courses;
  • personal data protection in the economic organizations in accordance with the Polish Legal Act GIODO;
  • identifying of the information technology audit process for the purpose of economic organizations. 

College of Management

The academic position of the College is created by the following activities: scientific research, teaching process, academics development and partnership with national and international environment. This reflects the following facts - College of Management has dual rights to award academic doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in two disciplines: economics and management sciences. It has the first scientific category - A, according to the evaluation criteria of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the highest assessment for the teaching quality in Management awarded by National Accreditation Commission.  

Fundamental research focused on:

  • transformations of consumption structure in Poland and in the world;
  • forecasting of social and economic pfenomena;
  • economic and system transformations;
  • supply chain management;
  • market behaviour in business sector;
  • application of mathematical analyzis and linear algebra in management and economics;
  • theoretical and methodological research on business and marketing;
  • organizational  entrepreneurship;
  • estimation and verification of statistical hypotheses;
  • international business,  management and international marketing;
  • business management in the globalization process;
  • human resources management – diagnosis and improvement of the organization;
  • tourism economics, functioning of the tourist business;
  • non-standard applications in logistics;
  • role of public institutions in economic processes.  

Applied research focused on:

  • supply chain design;
  • logistics system design;
  • urban logistics;
  • trainings on: effective and efficient public administration management, market consumer behaviour, marketing research methods to be implemented by private sector,  tourist company management; methods of assessing credit risk;
  • analyzis of market consumer behaviour;
  • research on standard of human’s living;
  • monitoring of regional and local labour market;
  • analyzis of macroeconomic and financial processes;
  • analyzis of local governments;
  • statistical analysis with SPSS package;
  • statistical quality control;
  • financial controlling;
  • personal controlling;
  • development of quality management system;
  • project management;
  • human resources management.



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