Library in Rybnik
The Library in Rybnik was established by the Rector of the University of Economics in Katowice with the Order No. 105/15. In the years 2003-2015 the Library functioned within the Rybnik Science and Didactics Centre (Polish acronym: ROND). The profile of the collected collections is consistent with the scientific and didactic needs of the local Faculty. The thematic scope of the collections includes literature on economics, management and finance. The chronological range of the collections includes, first of all, publications published on a current basis and, if necessary and possible to obtain - earlier editions.
The library subscribes to 30 titles of Polish specialist magazines.
The entire collection is prepared alphabetically and materially in the Prolib computer information and library system, in which the compact collections are marked with a zROND mark and the continuous collections with a cROND mark.
Books stored in the “Warehouse” location are borrowed and made available the day after the order is placed.
Orders for books stored in the “Warehouse” location can only be placed:
- in person at the Library in Rybnik or
- by telephone 32 432 98 54 or
- e-mail:
The library has 6 computer workstations with Internet access.
Access to the INTEGRO computer catalogue
Registration of new readers
- Rules of using the book collection
- Opening hours
- Contact
Payment data
Name and address of the entity: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach ul. 1 Maja 50 40-287 Katowice
Account number : 65 1050 1214 1000 0007 0000 7974
Payment title: za zagubione/zniszczone książki [for lost/destroyed books]
Reader's data: name and surname and personal ID [PESEL]
Opening hours
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9.30-14.45 (break 12.00-12.30)
- Wednesday: 11.00-17.00 (break 14.00-14.30)
- Friday: closed
- Saturday: 10.00-14.00 (during the academic year)
Specialist Library in Rybnik
ul. Rudzka 13c
44-200 Rybnik
Telephone +48 32432-9854
Books stored the warehouse location are lent and made available the day after the order is placed.
Orders for books from Warehouse location can only be placed:
- in person at the Library in Rybnik or
- by telephone 32 432 98 54 or
- by e-mail:
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