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Tasks of the Education:

  • organizing the learning process and - in cooperation with the Faculty Deans - analyzing and evaluating this process, as well as proposing changes, modifications and suggestions in this area,
  • maintaining the register of degrees,
  • developing draft internal legislation regarding education at the University,
  • analysing the costs relating to education at the first, second and third cycle studies, preparing calculations of costs relating to education and proposals for fees for educational services,
  • developing - in cooperation with the Teaching Management  - draft resolutions and ordinances regulating the recruitment process for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle studies as well as postgraduate studies,
  • cooperation with 1st and 2nd cycle students' and doctoral students’ organizations as well as students' research clubs,
  • receiving applications for registration of 1st and 2nd cycle students' and doctoral students' organizations as well as students' research clubs, cooperating in this area with the Legal Counsel, students' representatives and mentors from departments and schools,
  • maintaining a register of students' research clubs and students' organizations,
  • collecting data on the number of 1st and 2nd cycle students, doctoral students, graduates and post-graduate students, inputting aggregated data into the POL-on system,
  • operating the POL-on / NAWA system in regards of data used for validating degree certificates,
  • ordering, registering and issuing pre-numbered forms related to the education of 1st and 2nd cycle students, doctoral students and participants of post-graduate studies, 
  • receiving applications, appeals and requests related to the learning process addressed to the Rector's authorities by 1st and 2nd cycle students, doctoral students and participants in other forms of education as well as cooperation with the relevant organizational units of the University during the preparation of draft responses,
  • administrative support for the Senate Committee for Education,
  • cooperation with disciplinary spokespersons for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students and disciplinary panels for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students as well as disciplinary appeal panels for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students during disciplinary proceedings concerning 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students,
  • maintaining records of students working as trainee research assistants,
  • working with the Legal Counsel on the interpretation of legal provisions concerning students' education,
  • managing matters related to semester student exchange as part of the Transekonomik program between the University of Economics in Katowice and other economic universities in Poland,
  • coordinating matters regarding awarding, determining the amounts and the payment of financial assistance for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students, as well as doctoral and pro-quality scholarships,
  • participation in meetings during which the principles for the sharing of subsidies for charity activities of 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students are set out,
  • developing initial drafts for internal legislation regarding financial assistance for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students, as well as doctoral and pro-quality scholarships,
  • preparing data for works and expenditures plan in regards of: a. financial assistance fund for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students and monitoring the use of funds allocated for material assistance for 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students, b. activities of research clubs, 1st and 2nd cycle students' and doctoral students' organizations, c. spending of funds for the purchase of pre-numbered forms related to the teaching of 1st and 2nd cycle students, doctoral students and post-graduate students,
  • commissioning translations of internal legislation, contracts and other documents related to the course of studies,
  • cooperation with the Rector's Representative for Disabled Persons, the Senate Committee for Education, the Coordinator of the Integrated Qualifications System.

Tasks of the Teaching Quality Enhancement:

  • coordinating activities concerning providing, evaluating and improving the quality of teaching, including developing and monitoring the implementation of internal legislation concerning the enhancement of teaching quality at the University,
  • conducting research on the quality of service received by 1st and 2nd cycle students and doctoral students from the relevant organizational units of the University,
  • conducting research on the students' assessment of the quality of teaching,
  • working with representatives of the business community and local governments to improve the quality of teaching,
  • coordinating the "Academic tutoring" program,
  • coordinating activities within the fields-of-study management system
  • planning and coordinating the work related to the preparation of documentation required in the process of national accreditation, including cooperation in the field of evaluation of the University and its organizational units,
  • preparation of analyses, reports and reports concerning qualitative research,
  • administrative support for the University Committee for Teaching Quality,
  • administrative support for the University's quality assurance system.
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