Małgorzata Dziembała

Doctor habilitatus of economic science, PhD in economics, associate professor, head of the Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research focuses on European economic integration, European Union regional policy, and competitiveness of the regions, international cooperation of the regions, including cross-border cooperation, and innovation policy. She publishes extensively and she is the author or co-author of articles and chapters in monographs comprising more than 100 publications. Her academic teaching refers to issues of international economics, management of EU funds, and international business. She has delivered lectures in, among others, France, Finland, Switzerland, the US.
She gained practical experience in the field of the EU cohesion policy, including European territorial cooperation. She was the expert of the Polish Ministry of Regional Development during preparation of the Operational Programme of Cross-border Cooperation Czech Republic-Republic of Poland 2007-2013 within the European Territorial Cooperation objectives
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