Today we would like to share a beautiful story of the Erasmus 2014/ 2015 student reunion, which recently took place in Katowice. It has been a decade since they first embarked on this unforgettable journey. Here is their story:
Gathering together from across Europe—France, Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Czechia—we returned to the place that once was our home away from home - Katowice. Stepping back onto the university grounds, revisiting our dorms, and walking through Ligota district that cradled so many of our adventures, we were overwhelmed by a wave of emotions.
We reminisced about our shared experiences, laughed over old stories, and marveled at how much we’ve all grown, yet remained connected by the thread of our Erasmus days. Our journey took us back to the spirit of our time in Poland, enjoying the beloved Polish cuisine and reliving the vibrant nightlife, just as we did in the old days.
This reunion was more than just a gathering, it was a celebration of our international family. The friendships we built, the cultural exchanges we embraced, and the academic experiences we shared have left an indelible mark on our lives. We, for sure know, that the spirit of Erasmus will forever unite us.
Last but not least, thank you for giving us the fundamentals of such an unforgettable chapter in our lives. Greetings and here’s to the memories we've cherished for the past decade, and to the many more we will create in the years to come.
With heartfelt gratitude and warmest regards,
Erasmus Reunion Group, academic year 2014/2015
It is SO wonderful to see our alumni coming back to Katowice, the European City of Science, for the reunion!! You are always welcome here - a place that, even if for a short time, was your home and made some short and long-term difference in your lives. See you again soon!
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