What is the logo HR Excellence in Research
The HR Excellence in Research logo is one of the activities of the European Commission as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. This is a prestigious award aimed at increasing the attractiveness of working conditions and career development of researchers at the University of Economics in Katowice. It is awarded to institutions that provide the best working conditions for researchers and conduct recruitment processes in a transparent manner and in accordance with the guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
"HR Excellence in Research" is one of the activities of the European Commission as part of the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" strategy (HRS4R), aimed at increasing the attractiveness of working conditions and careers of researchers in Europe. This sign is awarded to institutions operating in the R&D sphere (both public and private) and research funding organizations that effectively implement the principles of the Charter and the Code. Apart from the special distinction for the university, it is a confirmation of excellent conditions for research and scientific-research workers, as well as an atmosphere of safety and trust thanks to clear recruitment rules. Moreover, this is a basis for awarding the unit in international grant competitions of the European Commission within the framework program of the European Union known as Horizon 2020 in the field of research and innovation, national grant competitions of the National Science Center and the National Center for Research and Development, as well as in competitions and programs organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It also gives the right to post advertisements on the Euraxess platform.
Brochures regarding the "Charter and Code" can be downloaded in the electronic version on the website (various language versions):
You can find more about "The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" on the site:
More about the "Charter and Code":
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