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Unique opportunities for ARIMA students

Studying the ARIMA program, students gain a mixture of knowledge from asset management and risk management.

"Advanced Topics” courses (such as Intensive Programme with Strategic Partner) concentrate on practical aspects of the measurement and risk valuation in asset management. Students work on the case studies from the industry dedicated for this course.

Moreover, there are other unique opportunities awaiting for ARIMA students, such as:

Short term or/and long term mobility

Two levels of mobility:

  • Basic level: short-term mobility for the course “Advanced Topics” (6 ECTS) 
  • Extended level: full semester (30 ECTS) → common Erasmus exchange (without double degree) OR exchange in one of Partner universities to get a double degree


Usually in March and October there is a call at university website about the exchange opportunities.
Details available in the International Relation Office:
- outgoing double degree students (click here)
incoming double degree students (click here)

Double degree diploma

To get a double degree you have to:

- award of AT LEAST 30 ECTS points at partner institutions: 

- award of AT LEAST 60 ECTS points at partner institution: 


CFA Institute

 GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals)  

PRM exam (part 1 out of 2)

PRMIA University Accreditation Program offers university graduates, who have completed appropriate courses within approved PRMIA accredited degree programs, exemption from PRM Exams 1.

Graduates from these qualifying degree programs who are seeking the PRM will be required to pass only PRM Exams 2.

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Accreditations and partners

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