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Need-based scholarship - general information

The need-based scholarship may be granted to students who find themselves in difficult financial circumstances and whose income per family member for a given calendar year, preceding the academic year, does not exceed the income limit specified by the Rector in agreement with the Student Government.

Who can apply for the need-based scholarship?

The student may receive higher need-based scholarship for, among others, the following reasons:

  1. no income or no persons obligated to provide child support or no family pension after a deceased parent;
  2. they are a charge of a children’s home or they have already attained the age of 18 but remain in foster care;
  3. they have a child with disability;
  4. they do not have both or one of the parents.    

Students meeting at least one of the below mentioned conditions are additionally entitled to the need-based scholarship:

  1. a national of Poland;
  2. a non-national – a national of a European Union state, the Swiss Confederation or a member state of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and members of their families residing in the Republic of Poland;
  3. a non-national who was granted a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident of the European Union;
  4. a non-national who was granted the temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Articles 159(1) and 186(1)(3)–(4) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on non-nationals;
  5. a non-national who has the refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland or uses the temporary protection or the subsidiary protection status in the Republic of Poland;
  6. a non-national – a holder of a certificate confirming their command of Polish as a foreign language, referred to in Article 11a(2) of the Act of 7 October 1999 on the Polish language, of at least C1 level,
  7. a holder of the Pole’s Card [Karta Polaka] or a person who received the decision on determining their Polish origin;
  8. a non-national who is a spouse, ascendant or descendant of a national of the Republic of Poland residing in the Republic of Poland.

Increased need-based scholarship

The student may apply for higher need-based scholarship only for one of the aforementioned reasons.

In order to receive the higher need-based scholarship, the student shall submit a declaration, in accordance with the template which constitutes Appendix 1c to the application for need-based scholarship, along with documents to prove their entitlement to higher aid.

Need-based scholarship - required documents

  • Application for need-based scholarship
  • Certificates and statements confirming the amount of family income (also if the income of family members and student amounts to zero), including respectively:
    • certificates regarding all adult family members from the competent tax office regarding the amount of  income (a certificate including income, due tax and social insurance contribution), or on the lack of income or on the lack of settling with the Tax Office for the last accounting year, if such income is subject to personal income tax on the principles set out in Articles 27, 30b, 30c, 30e and 30f of the Act of July 26, 1991 on personal income tax obtained in the calendar year preceding the benefit period, or a certificate of failure to be included in personal income tax records on the principles set out in Articles 27, 30b, 30c, 30e and 30f of the Act of July 26, 1991 on personal income tax obtained in the calendar year preceding the benefit period;
    • statements of all adult family members regarding untaxed income obtained in the calendar year preceding the academic year, i.e. Appendix No 1a to the rules and regulations on determining the amount, awarding and paying benefits for students in accordance with the instructions included in the form of Appendix No 1a. If there is income, the amount of such income must be confirmed by certificates or other evidence;
    • a certificate containing information on the amount of health insurance contributions in the calendar year preceding the academic year;
    • a document providing information on the number of months when income was obtained in the calendar year preceding the academic year;
    • if the income per person in the student’s family does not exceed the amount referred to in Article 8(1)(2) of the Act of March 12, 2004 on social assistance, a certificate from the relevant social assistance center regarding the income and property situation of the student and their family must be provided.


  • conduct business activity pursuant to the provisions on flat-rate income tax on certain revenues generated by natural persons or in the form of a fixed amount tax:
    • certificates from the tax office regarding the value of tax paid if the tax is paid as a fixed amount tax in the calendar year preceding the academic year;
    • a certificate from the tax office specifying: the annual value of revenues and the percentage tax rate in the case of tax paid in the form of a tax on registered revenues without deductible costs in the calendar year preceding the academic year.
  • run a farm:
    • a certificate of the competent commune authority regarding the size of the farm expressed in comparative fiscal hectares of the total area in the calendar year preceding the academic year,
    • a lease agreement, if a part or whole farm owned by the family is leased, if a farm is brought into use by an agricultural production cooperative or in connection with the receipt of a structural pension.
  • pay or receive maintenance:
    • a court judgment or court settlement requiring family members to receive or pay maintenance to a person in the family or from outside the family, and a bailiff’s certificate regarding the enforcement of maintenance;
    • a certificate from the competent authority regarding the amount of the maintenance fund received in the calendar year preceding the academic year;
    • money orders or money transfers documenting the amount of maintenance paid to people outside the family in the calendar year preceding the academic year.
  • declare loss or obtaining the income:
    • a document specifying the date of loss of income (e.g. a work certificate, decision on deregistering a business activity), and a document confirming the amount of lost income, e.g. a PIT tax return relevant to the achieved income for the base year, or a certificate;
    • employment agreement / contract of mandate / and a document specifying the amount of net income obtained by the student or a family member of the student, if the income was obtained after the calendar year preceding the academic year;
    • a statement (Appendix No 1b to the Rules and Regulations on determining the amount, awarding and paying benefits for students of the University of Economics in Katowice) on the income obtained for persons conducting a business activity on general principles or on the income obtained for persons conducting a business activity on the basis of a flat-rate income tax or a fixed amount tax.
  • are unemployed (applies to part-time students and unemployed student family members):
    • certificate from the job agency (or a statement of a student or a student’s family member) confirming the fact that the student does not work and is entitled or is not entitled to the unemployment benefit, provided that they are students of part-time programs, and of unemployed student family members both in the case of full-time and part-time students.
  • have siblings or their own children:
    • an abridged copy of the birth certificate of the child or a full copy of the birth certificate if the child’s father is unknown, regarding siblings or children up to the age of 7;
    • a certificate of attendance to the school or university of the applicant’s siblings or children up to the age of 26;
    • court information regarding the pending proceedings in the matter of adoption of a child, in the case of a person who is actually looking after the child who has applied for adoption of that child;
    • a copy of a final family court judgment confirming the adoption of a child;
    • a certificate on the disability degree if a disabled child is brought up in the family regardless of the age.


  • a death certificate of a dead family member;
  • a marriage certificate;
  • in special cases, a full copy of the birth certificate of the student / student’s siblings / student’s child;
  • a copy of a final judgment on divorce or legal separation.

If the circumstances of the case affecting the decision to grant a social scholarship require the delivery of a document other than those listed hereinabove, the Scholarship Committee may request such a document.

NOTE!!! A person applying for a need-based scholarship submits the necessary original documents or certified copies thereof. A copy of the document may be certified by an University's employee, civil law notary public or the institution that issued the document.

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