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Rector’s Order on functioning of UE Katowice in the winter semester 2021/2022

On September 27, 2021, the Regulation of the Council of Ministers amending the Regulation on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the epidemiological situation was published. By virtue of the aforementioned Regulation, the existing national restrictions (to the extent applicable until September 30, 2021) have been extended until October 31, 2021.

Following the Council of Ministers' Regulation and in accordance with the provisions of the Rector's Order No. 128/21 dated September 29, 2021, we present the rules of functioning of UE Katowice in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022.


In accordance with the Rector's Order and the Rector's message concerning the courses conducted in the winter semester 2021/2022:

  • the following will be conducted on-campus for undergraduate and graduate studies: classes/laboratories, PE classes and lectures for English-speaking programs: FAB, ARIMA, E-Commerce, IB, Mercuri, Erasmus, with the exception of the IB study program (undergraduate), where more than one student group.
  • the following will be conducted remotely for undergraduate and graduate studies: lectures (including lectures for students of the undergraduate IB program), seminars, foreign language courses and office hours,
  • courses for the Doctoral School will be held on-campus,
  • courses for post-graduate studies will be held either on-campus or remotely depending on the study program,
  • classes for participants of the Third Age University and high school/secondary technical school students participating in the ELiT program will be held on campus.


  1. At the entrances to the University buildings, it is obligatory to disinfect hands or wear disposable gloves.
  2. Persons staying within the University premises are obliged to observe the sanitary safety requirements resulting from generally applicable legal regulations, in particular, regulations on establishing specific restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of the pandemic, including the order to cover the mouth and nose with a mask.
  3. In common areas of the University, it is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m between persons.
  4. Students, doctoral students, participants of post-graduate studies and other forms of education are obliged to cover their mouth and nose with a mask during classes, under pain of not being admitted to classes.
  5. The obligation referred to in (4) does not apply to academic teachers and other persons conducting classes.
  6. It is recommended to ventilate the rooms where classes are held regularly, especially during breaks between classes.

The organization of events and celebrations by the University on-campus, in particular scientific conferences, symposia, open lectures, cultural, artistic and sports events, requires the consent of the Rector. Moreover, customer visits should be limited to the necessary minimum, with most of the services provided remotely.

The procedure to be followed in case of COVID-19 symptoms observed among students, doctoral students, participants of post-graduate studies and other forms of education, and employees is defined in Appendix No. 6 to the Order No. 128/21.


The Rector may grant approval for domestic trips of students, doctoral students and academic staff, as well as for visits of invited guests. In case of employees who are not academic staff, the decisions concerning business trips are made by the Chancellor.


As a rule, non-academic staff shall work on a full-time basis on campus. During the state of epidemic emergency or the state of epidemics declared due to COVID-19 and for a period of 3 months after their cancellation, the Chancellor, at the request of a head of an organizational unit or upon their own initiative, may instruct an employee to perform work specified in their employment contract outside the place of permanent employment (remote work).

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