Student volunteering
The students of the University of Economics in Katowice engage as volunteers in charity campaigns.
Examples of activities:
- Global Volunteer is an international volunteering program organized by the AIESEC organization. It is addressed to young people who want to gain professional experience by working in a multicultural environment. The participants can go for environmental, educational, marketing, women's rights, health or animal rights projects for 6-18 weeks (but usually 6-8 weeks).
- UEKat students are involved in the registration of potential bone marrow and stem cell donors as part of activities of the DKMS Foundation. A record was beat during one of the campaigns in the University – nearly 5,000 potential donors registered within two days. Campaigns with participation of the University of Economics in Katowice take place regularly. These include: “Dwa wymazy & do bazy” (Two swabs & ready) and “Dzień Dawcy Szpiku” (Bone Marrow Donor Day).
- Many students take part in the most important economic events organized in the region as volunteers, including at the European Economic Congress (EEC) and European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
- Members of the Independent Students' Association organize a charity campaign "Nie Zamykajcie Serc” (Do not Close Your Hearts) every year. Her most important goal is to help the needy. The project involves a collection of sweets and a charity concert in the form of the Festival of Student Bands with the auction of valuable items, often donated by known and liked characters. Sweets are then given to children from nearby orphanages or community day care centres as Christmas parcels. The income from the auction is used for the charity goal selected in a given year (orphanages, retirement homes, etc.).
- Two or three times a year (in spring and autumn), students organize "Wampiriada", which is the largest blood donation campaign in the academic community in Poland. The organizer and driving force of the campaign is the Independent Students' Association, in cooperation with Regional Centre for Blood Donation and Blood Treatment.
- Members of the PRogress Public Relations Student Organization collect toys, board games, books, school supplies, art and sweets under the "Oddaj MiSie" campaign between November and December, which are then given to children from community day care centres and orphanages near Katowice during a meeting with Santa Claus. Also, games are played and animated films are watched during the meeting with children.
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