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International Week & Spring School, Kwiecień 2020, ISC Paris Business School, Francja

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą wydarzenia organizowanego przez naszą uczelnię partnerską we Francji

Dear Partner,

Greetings from ISC Paris Business School! 

We are pleased to inform you that ISC Paris will be organising an International Week next spring. The event will take place from 14th – 17th April at our Paris Campus and we would like to invite your lecturers to participate.

Also, we would like to host a spring school the following week, 24th – 24th April, focusing on Luxury in a global world. We would be delighted if you could participate in this event too!

Our aim is to strengthen the cooperation between our school and our partner Institutions, to increase international opportunities and provide international experience for faculty, staff and students so that everyone can widen their knowledge and network with peers in a number of fields. And this is the best chance to achieve it!

We are looking for lecturers that could share their expertise in the following topics:

·         Sales techniques

·         Social entrepreneurship

·         HR Management: hiring and motivating people

·         Leadership

·         Quality Management

·         Design Thinking and Creativity

·         Luxury management

·         Luxury Marketing

·         Branding

·         Fashion

·         Artificial Intelligence

·         Current issues and new perspectives in: Marketing, HR, Finance, Management, etc.

       (non exhaustive list)

As you can see, the topics are varied and diverse. The student population for this event is quite varied too : from undergraduate to graduate, Msc and MBA.The idea is to open the students' minds to different fields and have an international approach.

The teaching format is free: you can choose to do a lecture, a workshop or combine both.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the form by January 31st :

European participants from our partner institutions can apply for an Erasmus+ teaching mobility grant at their own institution's International Office.

We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully we will see you in Paris in April!

Kind regards,

International Relations Team

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