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Dr hab. Urszula Grzega, Prof. UE

Wybrane publikacje naukowe

  1. U. Grzega: Zrównoważenie konsumpcji w ujęciu makroekonomicznym, [w:] Zrównoważona konsumpcja w polskich gospodarstwach domowych - postawy, zachowania, determinanty, Wydawnictwo UE Katowice, Zrównoważona konsumpcja w polskich gospodarstwach domowych - postawy, zachowania, determinanty, red. S. Smyczek, Wydawnictwo UE Katowice, s. 66-98.  
  2. U. Grzega: Consumption Indicators in the Research of Socio-Economic Development, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły HUMANITAS. Zarządzanie, 2019, nr 3, s. 9-19.
  3. U. Grzega: Economic Determinants of the Standard of Living - Income Situation of Polish Households, Tytuł całości: Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 45th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - XIX International Social Congress (ISC 2019) / eds. Marina Vinogradova, Ana Cuic Tankovic, Goran Pavelin, 2019, pp. 103-111.
  4. U. Grzega: Living Conditions of the Rural Households in Poland (Economic Aspects). Tytuł całości: Economic and Social Development 38 st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development Book of Proceedings/ ed. K. Hammes, M. Machrafi, A. Samodol, Varazdin, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2019, pp.106-114.
  5. U. Grzega: Macroeconomic Determinants of the Standard of Living - Theoretical Considerations. Optimum. Economic Studies, 2018, nr 2 (92) s. 191-205.
  6. U. Grzega: Consumption’s Globalization and the Standard of Living in Poland - Selected Issues, in: Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences. 18th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings. Part III / ed. Tomas Kliestik, Zilina: University of Zilina, 2018, pp. 1087-1094.
  7. U. Grzega: Living Conditions in Poland and the European Union – Selected Issues. Tytuł całości: Economic and Social Development 35th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective". Book of Proceedings / eds. Humberto Ribeiro, Dora Naletina, Ana Lorga da Silva, Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency [etc.], 2018, pp. 776-785.
  8. U. Grzega: Use of Consumption Indicators in Research into Socio-Economic Development on an Example of Poland, Tytuł całości: Economic and Social Development 31st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Legal Challenges of Modern World". Book of Proceedings/ ed. Marijan Cingula, Douglas Rhein, Mustapha Machrafi, Varazdin, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2018, pp. 502-511.
  9. U. Grzega: Consumption Expenditures as a Measure of the Standard of Living, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Modern Economics / eds. Norbert Gruenwald, Małgorzata Zakrzewska, Wismar: University of Wismar, 2018, pp. 15-21.
  10. U. Grzega: The Social Innovations in Consumption – Selected Issues, Proceedings of 18th International Joint Conference Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment/ed. Iveta Cerna, Prague: Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2018, pp. 71-79.
  11. U. Grzega, E. Kieżel: Trendy w zachowaniach konsumentów. W: Zachowania konsumentów. Globalizacja, nowe technologie, aktualne trendy, otoczenie społeczno-kulturowe. Red. M. Bartosik-Purgat, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2017, s. 29-51.
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