Scientific Conference
University of Economics in Katowice
Department of Business Logistics
invites to a scientific conference
with the participation of foreign guests
Building the Supply Chains of the Future
Katowice, 26-27 September 2016
We honour to have Professors Michael Bourlakis (Innovation in the Retail Supply Chain Management) and Michael Browne (Future Urban Supply Chains: Challenges and Opportunities) as a Keynote Speakers at our conference.
Aim and location of the conference
The conference is dedicated to the problems of developing supply chains under conditions of uncertainty, risk and threat of geopolitical destabilization. It also covers the issues concerning the vision of development of supply chains and logistics concepts in the future. The problems of development of logistics services will be discussed as well.
The conference will take place at Modern Information Technology Centre of the University of Economics in Katowice (5 Bogucicka Street).
The scope of conference:
1. Formation and development of supply chains under conditions of uncertainty and geopolitical risk
2. Building competences of logisticians
3. Vision of development of supply chains
4. Logistics under conditions of economic uncertainty and business risk
5. The role of small and medium enterprises in building competitive advantage of supply chains in the future
6. Areas of application of logistics in the future and its significance
7. Modern directions of development of urban logistics
8. Logistics and supply chains in non-standard future applications
9. Trends influencing the development of supply chain formation and management
10. Logistics services and their directions of development
Conference Programme Board
Prof. Danuta Kisperska-Moroń, PhD (Chair), University of Economics in Katowice
Prof. Mats Abrahamsson, PhD, Linköping University
Prof. Stefan Minner, PhD, Technische Universität München, TUM School of Management
Prof. Michael Bourlakis, PhD, Cranfield University, School of Management
Prof. Pietro Evangelista, PhD, Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS),
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Prof. René de Koster, PhD, Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Technology and Operations Management
Prof. Mirosław Chaberek, PhD, University of Gdańsk
Prof. Marek Ciesielski, PhD, Poznań University of Economics and Business
Prof. Elżbieta Gołembska, PhD, Poznań University of Economics and Business
Prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski, PhD, Poznań School of Logistics
Prof. Stanisław Krawczyk, PhD, University of Zielona Góra
Prof. Jarosław Witkowski, PhD, Wrocław University of Economics
Prof. Tomasz Nowakowski, PhD, Wrocław University of Technology
Prof. Halina Brdulak, PhD, Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. Mariusz Jedliński, PhD, University of Szczecin
Prof. Cezary Mańkowski, PhD, University of Gdańsk
Prof. Krzysztof Rutkowski, PhD, Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. Maciej Szymczak, PhD, Poznań University of Economics and Business
For the conference participants, we also offer an attractive tour to the antique Coal Mine ‘Guido’ in Zabrze (25 September). All attendees willing to participate in the tour are asked to notify it in the conference form on the website.
In order to have the papers included in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors of the paper should pay the conference fee and participate in the Conference.
Conference language: Polish and English.
After the Conference, the participants will have the opportunity to submit full versions of their papers for publication (if they meet the requirements of a scientific publication and receive positive peer reviews) in the following journals:
- Journal of Economics and Management (in English) 12 points.
- Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego (in Polish) 10 points.
The full versions of papers in Polish (12 pages) can also be submitted for publication in the post-conference proceedings of University of Economics Publishing House.
The information about publication format is available on the website of University of Economics Publishing House:
Detailed information will be provided in further announcements.
Mailing address
Department of Business Logistics
University of Economics in Katowice
ul. Bogucicka 14
40-226 Katowice
Phone no. / Fax no. + 48 32 257 7301
Organizing committee
Piotr Hanus, PhD – Committee Chair
Krzysztof Niestrój, PhD
Marcin Świtała, PhD
Krzysztof Zowada, MA
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