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Conference 2018 - Building the Supply Chains of the Future

University of Economics in Katowice
Department of Business Logistics

invites to a second scientific conference
with the participation of foreign guests

Building the Supply Chains of the Future


Katowice, 24-25 September 2018


We honour to have Professors Edward Sweeney (Director of the Aston Logistics & Systems Institute, Aston University) and Nathalie Fabbe-Costes (Director of the Research Center for Transport and Logistics, Aix-Marseille University) as a Keynote Speakers at our conference.

The second edition of the conference is dedicated to the problems of supply chain development in uncertainties, risks and threats of destabilization of the geopolitical situation, which are still present and current. The conference will also focus on the vision of supply chain development and the possibility of combining different concepts to shape logistics in the future. A very important element of these visions is corporate social responsibility related to the acquisition and development of employees with specific competences and protection of natural resources. Important issues discussed during the conference will also include logistics services and modern IT solutions supporting supply chains and logistics.

The conference will take place at the Advanced Information Technology Center of the University of Economics in Katowice (5 Bogucicka Street).



  1. Risks, uncertainties and opportunities in the functioning and development of supply chains in the future
  2. Logistics under conditions of economic uncertainty
  3. Building and developing competences of logisticians
  4. Vision for development of supply chains and Logistics
  5. The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain – vision of the future
  6. Directions for the development of urban Logistics
  7. Logistics and supply chains in non-standard future applications
  8. Economic and social trends and their impact on supply chain management
  9. Socially responsible supply chains
10. Logistics services and their future development
11. Virtual supply chains
12. Technical and IT solutions supporting logistics processes and supply chains of the future

1. Prof. Danuta Kisperska-Moroń, PhD (Chair), University of Economics in Katowice
  2. Prof. Mats Abrahamsson, PhD, Linköping University
  3. Prof. Michael Bourlakis, PhD, Cranfield University
  4. Prof. Michael Browne, PhD, University of Gothenburg
  5. Prof. Pietro Evangelista, PhD, University of Naples Federico II
  6. Prof. René de Koster, PhD, Rotterdam School of Management
  7. Prof. Stefan Minner, PhD, Technische Universität München 
  8. Prof. Halina Brdulak, PhD, Warsaw School of Economics
  9. Prof. Mirosław Chaberek, PhD, University of Gdańsk
10. Prof. Marek Ciesielski, PhD, Poznań University of Economics and Business
11. Prof. Mariusz Jedliński, PhD, Maritime University of Szczecin
12. Prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski, PhD, Poznań School of Logistics
13. Prof. Stanisław Krawczyk, PhD, University of Zielona Góra
14. Prof. Cezary Mańkowski, PhD, University of Gdańsk
15. Prof. Tomasz Nowakowski, PhD, Wrocław University of Technology
16. Prof. Maciej Szymczak, PhD, Poznań University of Economics and Business
17. Prof. Jarosław Witkowski, PhD, Wrocław University of Economics


After the Conference, the participants will have the opportunity to submit full versions of their papers for publication (if they meet the requirements of a scientific publication and receive positive peer reviews) in the following journals:
— Journal of Economics and Management (in English),
— Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego (in Polish).

The full versions of papers in Polish (12 pages) can also be submitted for publication in the postconference proceedings of University of Economics Publishing House.
The information about publication format is available on the website of University of Economics Publishing House.

Detailed information will be provided in further announcements.

On September 23, 2018, we offer an attractive visit to the Silesian Museum in Katowice (convenient location in the city centre). All attendees willing to participate in the tour are asked to notify it in the conference form on the website:

Deadline for abstract submission: April 4, 2018 (


Payment amount and dates:
Until 30.04.2016 – 240 EUR
Until 31.05.2016 – 290 EUR
Until 30.06.2016 – 325 EUR  

The fees should be paid to the bank account with a note „Supply Chains of the Future 2018
– participant name and surname”
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
ING Bank Śląski S.A., Katowice
PL 59 1050 1214 1000 0022 9625 8706  

Department of Business Logistics
University of Economics in Katowice
Bogucicka 3 Street
Building A; Room. 223
40-226 Katowice
Phone no.: + 48 32 257-7230

Piotr Hanus, PhD
Krzysztof Niestrój, PhD
Marcin Świtała, PhD
Krzysztof Zowada, MA


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