Publikacje na najważniejszych konferencjach międzynarodowych
Pracownicy Katedry w ostatnich pięciu latach prezentowali rezultaty swoich badań na międzvnarodowvch konferencjach i seminariach naukowych:
Papers presented at
Academy of Management Conference
Dialectic of corporate entrepreneurship. Atlanta, Georgia 2006.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, B.J. Gabryś, A. Austen.
Social capital, entrepreneurship and performance in Polish organizations. Atlanta, Georgia 2006.
Autor: W. Dyduch
Papers presented at
Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference
Measuring corporate entrepreneurship and relating it to performance: What really matters for fast growth and superior effects?
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch
Learning by failure and real options reasoning in the entrepreneurial context: Lesson from transition economy.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, A. Austen, P. Zbierowski.
Entrepreneurial management, social capital and performance in transition economy organizations.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch
Operationalization of entrepreneurial attention and linking it to entrepreneurial orientation. Multidimensional view.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Searching for competitive advantage in transformed economy: entrepreneurship, environment and organizational attention.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Multidimensional Empowerment as a Leverage for Shaping Entrepreneurial Behaviours. Some Empirical Evidence.
Autorzy: J. Strużyna, I. Marzec
Papers presented at
Strategic Management Society Annual Conference
Strategic stakeholder importance revisited: Toward an actionable tool for the governing of stakeholders. Paper presented at 25th Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference: “Strategic Management: Achievements and Opportunities”, Orlando 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Managing Organizational Attention to Support Organizational Entrepreneurship. Empirical Investigation of Attention, Environment and Entrepreneurial Orientation. Paper presented at 25th Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference: “Strategic Management: Achievements and Opportunities”, Orlando 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Entrepreneurshipscape and performance: The model and its operationalization. Paper presented at 24th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society: Strategic balance driving innovation and maintaining performance. Puerto Rico 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Entrepreneurship strategies and social capital in Polish organizations. Paper presented at 23rd Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society: “Intersection: Strategy across conventional boundaries”. Baltimore 2003.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Strategic paradoxes management – entrepreneurial behaviors and effectiveness: The case of Polish companies in contemporary business. Paper presented at the 22nd Strategic Management Society Annual Conference ”Old Barriers Crumbling, New Barriers Rising”. Paris 2002.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch, M. Kulikowska.
Papers presented at
Strategic Management Society Interested Group Strategic Thinking & Strategy Academy Annual Conference
Strategic contradictions: An integrative framework, empirical test and practical applications. Paper presented at SMSIG and Strategy Academy Conference “Strategy: Plurality, Perspectives and Paradoxes”. Rotterdam 2002.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch, R. Kozłowski, M. Kulikowska.
Paper presented at
British Academy of Management Annual Conference
Corporate governance, leadership and stakeholders: The discussion on a new framework of entrepreneurial leadership and corporate governing.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Dialectics of corporate learning. Towards unified view of holistic thinking, real options reasoning and sense making.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, A. Austein.
Empowerment, entrepreneurial behaviors and performance. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Annual Conference: “Challenges of Organizations in Global Markets”, Oxford, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, M. Kulikowska, I. Marzec
External vs. Internal stimulation of organizational entrepreneurship. Empirical investigation on roles of environment and entrepreneurial attention. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Annual Conference: “Challenges of Organizations in Global Markets”, Oxford, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Does the managerial distancing from stakeholders orientation exist? The discussion on changing the model of corporate governance towards governing stakeholders relations. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Annual Conference: “Challenges of Organizations in Global Markets”, Oxford, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Firm’s performance and dimensions of entrepreneurial behaviours. The case of Polish companies in contemporary business. University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, M. Kulikowska, W. Dyduch.
Organizational Entrepreneurshipscape and performance: The model aand its empirical test. University of St. Andrews St. Andrews 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Entrepreneurial management and social capital in transformed economy. W: Conference Proceedings of British Academy of Management.
Praca zbiorowa pod red. S. Parkinson’a i J. Shutt’a. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds 2003. Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Corporate governance and social responsibility processual approach: A case of Poland. W: Conference Proceedings of British Academy of Management.
Praca zbiorowa pod red. S. Parkinson’a i J. Shutt’a. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds 2003. Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
New perspective of Corporate Governance in transformed economy. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Annual Conference “Fast-tracking Performance Trough Partnership”. London 2002, s. 14.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Papers presented at
European Academy of Management Annual Conference
High performance organisation in positive perspective.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski.
Developing a model of corporate entrepreneruship from dialectical perspective: some conceptual considerations. Oslo 2006.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, B.J. Gabryś, A. Austen.
A lesson for entrepreneurship from Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) perspective. Oslo 2006.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Corporate governing and leadership as an essence of managing stakeholders relations, new approach. Oslo 2006.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
Supporting organizational entrepreneurship by managing attention: Empirical investigation. Paper presented at 5th EURAM Annual International Conference: „Responsible management in an uncertain world”, Munich, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Empowerment in an uncertain world: Conceptual issues and empirical tests. Paper presented at 5th EURAM Annual International Conference: „Responsible management in an uncertain world”, Munich, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, I. Marzec
Measuring entrepreneurship and social capital and linking it to performance. Paper presented at 4rd European Academy of Management "Governance in Managerial Life”. St Andrews 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Corporate governing in transition economy. A multi-dimensional processual view. Paper presented at 4rd European Academy of Management "Governance in Managerial Life”. St Andrews 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
Strategic paradoxes management, entrepreneurial behaviours and effectiveness in Polish companies. Paper presented at 3rd European Academy of Management "Managing Through Variety: The European Style?". Milan 2003.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, M. Kulikowska.
Papers presented at
Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference
Corporate Entrepreneurship and recruitment policies: The dialectical Approach. Paper presented at RENT XIX - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Neapol 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, J. Strużyna, T. Ingram
Developing entrepreneurial management and social capital to increase firm performance. Paper presented at RENT XIX - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Neapol 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch
How to become a serial entrepreneur: Learning by failure and real options reasoning as drivers of entrepreneurial success. Paper presented at RENT XIX - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Neapol 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, A. Austin, B.J. Gabryś
Entrepreneurshipscape as a measure of corporate entrepreneurship: the model, its operationalization and linking it to performance. Paper presented at RENT XVIII - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Copenhagen 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch
New perspective of corporate governing from corporate entrepreneurship viewpoint. Paper presented at RENT XVIII - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Copenhagen 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Managing entrepreneurial attention in the organizational complexity. multidimensional operationalization and linking it to entrepreneurial orientation. Paper presented at RENT XVIII - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, Copenhagen 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, P. Zbierowski
Temporal dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship: A dialectical approach. Paper presented at RENT XVII conference, Łódź 2003.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, B.J. Gabryś
Managing strategic growth in entrepreneurial organizations. Modeling strategic change process. Paper presented at RENT XVI – doctoral Consortium, Barcelona 2002.
Autor: B. J. Gabryś
The influance of organization enviroment on entreprenurial activity in thr aspect of corporate attention. Paper presented at RENT XVI – doctoral Consortium, Barcelona 2002.
Autor: P. Zbierowski
Paper presented at
The Performance Measurement Association Conference
Measuring corporate Entrepreneurship: In Search for the universal tool reflecting firm performance.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Papers presented at
International Conference on Corporate Governance
The leadership and stakeholders in the context of pluralistic organization.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Leadership, stakeholders: an effective unicorn of corporate governance process.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Corporate governing and leadership towards managing relations among stakeholders effectively. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Corporate Governance “Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility”, Birmingham 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski
Does corporate governing matter? The relationship among stakeholders aspirations, learning process, knowledge management and effectiveness – towards increasing the effectiveness of boards. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance “Corporate Governance: Effective Boards and Responsible Investors” University of Birmingham Center for Corporate Governance. Birmingham 2004.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
Corporate Governance. Multi-lenses integrated approach. Paper presented at International Conference on Corporate Governance “Corporate Performance, Corporate Governance Development and the New Tools of Government”. University of Birmingham Center for Corporate Governance Research. Birmingham 2002.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
Papers presented at
Academy of Human Resources Development
International Conference
Analysis of the reward system from the perspective of HRD. Paper presented at 6th Academy of Human Resources Development International Conference: “HRD: Addressing the value”, Leeds, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, M. Majowska
New perspective on entrepreneurial learning and its relations with social capital and performance. Paper presented at 6th Academy of Human Resources Development International Conference: “HRD: Addressing the value”, Leeds, 2005.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch, M. Kulikowska
Attracting entrepreneurial employees: HRD perspective. Paper presented at The Fifth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, International comparative and Cross-cultural Dimensions of HRD, Limerick 2004.
Autorzy: J. Strużyna, M. Bratnicki, T. Ingram
Papers presented at
4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control
Entrepreneurship-based performance measurement system.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, W. Dyduch.
Papers presented at
1st SIG conference on Corporate social responsibility
Responsible leadership and governance: Social impact of stakeholders.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozlowski
Papers presented at
The International Association for Business and Society Annual Conference
The dialectics of entrepreneurial leadership. Towards a dynamic theory of corporate governance.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, A. Frączkiewicz-Wronka, R. Kozłowski.
Papers presented at
International Council for Small Business “At the crossroads for East and West: New Opportunities for entrepreneurship and small business”
Relationship between organizational learning and performance of SME. Research results.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, A. Michna.
Papers presented at
The Asia Academy of Management Annula Conference
The processual leadership and stakeholders: Mutual lessons to be learned.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, R. Kozłowski.
Employee empowerment and entrepreneurial behaviors: Relations and impact on firm’s performance.
Autorzy: M. Bratnicki, B.J. Gabryś, M. Kulikowska-Mrożek, I. Marzec, P. Zbierowski.
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