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dr hab.Justyna Ganassali, prof. UE

Profesor UE
Koszarowa 6
Budynek: N (segment C); pok. 362


Dear Students

The office hours (on-line): Tusdays from 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. till 12th of July

for part- time students: Tusdays from 17.00 to 18.00 till 12th of July

The Meet platform: please contact me by email to receive a link to the meeting before.

In September the new scheduled will be proposed.

The next examination session for the principles of marketing (classes!!!)  for full-time and part-time students is scheduled for September 6 at 4:30 PM on Koszarowa Street.


Students participating in the diploma seminar are asked to contact me via Google Classroom. There you will find the dates of the seminars, the requirements for writing the thesis and the deadlines for handing in the individual parts of the thesis. 




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