Creativity Week in European City of Science - Katowice 2024 [coverage]
From October 14th to 20th, Creativity Week took place, marking the 41st thematic week within the 50 Weeks of the European City of Science Katowice 2024. Curated by dr Bartłomiej J. Gabryś from the Department of Entrepreneurship and produced by Dagmara Piskorz - director of the Marketing Center - in collaboration with the city of Katowice, the event invited participants to embark on a creative journey, allowing them to develop their artistic talents and acquire new skills and experiences.
The week started at the Korez Theatre, where Daria Bułka led an intergenerational workshop titled "Connected Through Creativity". Participants collaborated to create their own stories, music, and works of art. It was a wonderful opportunity to build relationships, spark imagination, and have fun together.
Simultaneously, two other events took place. One was held on the campus of the University of Economics in Katowice. The lecture entitled "We are all creators – ABC of intellectual property" was delivered by representatives of the Polish Patent Office: Deputy Director of the Department of Innovation and Communication Joanna Kupka and Head of the Education and Innovation Department Jacek Romanowicz. Attendees learned how to protect intellectual property, benefit from their own creativity, and use others' work legally.
The second event was held at Kato Science Corner x Metrolab GZM, where representatives of the Sole Foundation prepared a large-scale emotional charades game called "The Wheel of Emotions" for children and adults.
In the afternoon, the main library of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice offered a chance to give a second life to clothing by decorating garments with paintings, patches, and more. The workshop was led by mgr Agata Piwońska.
The second day of Creativity Week in the City of Science was largely centered around the University of Economics in Katowice. The University hosted an Open Day that perfectly aligned with the week's theme and attracted a large audience.
Concurrently, the University Library showcased an exhibition and lecture titled "Evolutionary Art", exploring the dynamic transformations in 20th and 21st-century art. Prof. dr hab. Urszula Boryczka from the University of Silesia delivered the insightful lecture.
The day continued with a series of awards ceremonies. At 11:00 AM, the Palace of Youth honored outstanding teachers with awards presented by the Mayor of Katowice. Later, at 4:00 PM, the Mayor and the Rector of the University of Silesia bestowed the prestigious "Katowice Educational Diamond" upon exceptional students who excel not only academically but also in their extracurricular activities.
Finally, at 4:00 PM, the Silesian Medical University library hosted a creative workshop where participants crafted greeting cards using scrapbooking and quilling techniques.
We began Wednesday with educational workshops for children, youth, and adults titled "Assistance Dog in a European City," led by Katarzyna Pado and Anna Elwicka from the "Labrador" Foundation for the Blind, along with their assistance dog, Mokka.
Simultaneously, at Kato Science Corner x Metrolab GZM, mgr Barbara Jendrzejczyk from the Department of Design and Communication Analysis at the University of Economics in Katowice conducted creative photography workshops.
The day concluded with a creative workshop on making bracelets from string and beads using the macrame technique. The workshop was prepared by mgr Agata Piwońska at the main library of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.
On Thursday, the Municipal Climate Education Program "Climate-Friendly Katowice" was officially launched at 10:00 AM at the Environmental Education Center at School No. 2. The program aims to integrate educational activities focused on environmental protection.
Simultaneously, Kato Science Corner x Metrolab GZM hosted a "Portable Literary Festival," featuring author meet-and-greets and creative writing workshops. The goal was to demonstrate that literature is not outdated but rather a modern medium that effectively addresses contemporary challenges. The events were led by representatives of the University of Silesia in Katowice: dr hab. Grzegorz Olszański, Prof. UŚ, and dr Mikołaj Marcela.
In the afternoon, we attended the official opening of the 5th Congress of Departments of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, titled "Entrepreneurship 4.0: Trends, Challenges, Opportunities," as well as plenary sessions such as "Entrepreneurship and Change" and "Trends and Challenges of Entrepreneurship."
At 4:00 PM, we gathered at the main library of the Silesian Medical University, where we decorated objects using the decoupage technique.
We started Friday with a creative zero-waste workshop titled "Flavor Twisted in a Bottle". The workshop focused on creating natural isotonic drinks using fruits obtained in accordance with the food waste prevention act and was led by representatives of the Sole Foundation.
On the same day, children and young people could participate in public speaking workshops where they learned practical techniques to effectively prepare for presentations, overcome stage fright, and increase self-confidence. The workshop at the University of Economics in Katowice was led by editor Marek Durmała.
These were not the only attractions for our participants, as they could also create floral brooches from ribbons and beads at the main library of the Silesian Medical University or watch a film in a mobile planetarium at Kato Science Corner x Metrolab GZM.
The University of Economics also hosted the second day of the 5th Congress of Departments of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, titled "Entrepreneurship 4.0: Trends, Challenges." We ended the activities with a Chicago Blues dance.
The weekend offered a wide range of creative activities for children, youth, adults, and families alike. Highlights included:
LEGO building workshops: "Build the City of Your Dreams",
Creative workshops: "Enchantment of 3D Gadgets",
Art journaling workshops,
A family-oriented treasure hunt in Katowice-Murcki,
The local recurring festival "FestSlow",
"Garden of Creation. The Bloom of Creativity" workshops,
The film "Holy Mountain" by Alejandro Jodorowsky.
We concluded Creativity Week in the City of Science at the Silesian Museum with the grand finale titled "LEGOvision Katowice - The City of Dreams," where participants built their ideal city using LEGO bricks. However, that was just the culmination of a week full of creative activities.
The day began with a family-oriented treasure hunt in Katowice-Giszowiec, offering not only fun but also an opportunity to learn about the history of this district, its industrial heritage, and the everyday life of its former residents.
Kato Science Corner x Metrolab GZM was bustling with activity, hosting creative workshops on creating simple plastic forms, artistic sewing, and a workshop titled "Discover Your Superpower" aimed at developing creative problem-solving skills. Board game demonstrations and competitions were also available.
At the Municipal Cultural Center in Bogucice, as part of the "Garden of Creation. The Bloom of Creativity" initiative, participants could attend a lecture on "The Impact of Mindfulness on Creativity," enjoy a forest relaxation session with aromatherapy for creativity and focus, and participate in a musical meditation.
On the campus of the University of Economics in Katowice, there was a special treat for art enthusiasts. The performance "Artists on the Trail" was presented by artists from the Krakow Comedy Theatre to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victorious Battle of Monte Cassino.
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