26 October, 2017 - Rector Prof. Robert Tomanek, Ph.D. signs a declaration of support for the principles and recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
27 October, 2017 - A declaration of support for the principles and recommendations adopted in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers is sent to the European Commission.
27 October, 2017 - The European Commission confirms the receipt of the declaration and informs the University of Economics in Katowice that the procedure aimed at incorporating the University into the group of scientific units supporting the provisions of the Charter and the Code was initiated.
27 November, 2017 - the University of Economics in Katowice receives an official reply of the European Commission. The Commission approves the declaration and encourages the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code. The University of Economics in Katowice is included in the list of institutions that expressed their support for the Charter and the Code:
15 December, 2017 - Rector Prof. Robert Tomanek, Ph.D. signs an Ordinance on establishment of a Team for the Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the University of Economics in Katowice (Ordinance No. 162/17), whose tasks include preparing the implementation of principles and requirements set out in the Charter and in the Code at the University of Economics in Katowice, in accordance with the guidelines of the European Commission.
12 January, 2018 - The first meeting of the Implementation Team during which efforts to obtain the HR Logo are started. The Group prepares a preliminary procedure for implementing the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The meeting was opened by Vice-Rector for Science and Academic Staff – Prof. Barbara Kos, Ph.D. welcoming all team members. The agenda of the meeting:
- Choosing a Team Coordinator.
- Information on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (for more information, visit
- Presentation of guidelines for the HRS4R implementation procedure.
- Division of the team into working teams, determining the scope of their responsibility and work schedule.
- Setting the date of the next meeting.
January 2018 – Employees survey was conducted.
Example of the survey (in Polish)
February 2018 – Survey Data Analysis.
Results of the survey (in Polish)
March 2018 - Conducting an information campaign about the HR4SR strategy among the academic community - incl. in the Bulletin of the University of Economics in Katowice (No. 46) an article by Prof. Barbara Kos, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Science and Academic Affairs - Research excellence endorsed!
8 March 2018 - The second meeting of the Team responsible for the implementation of the Charter and the Code. During the meeting was presented the results of the Team work, which reviewed the internal regulations and legal acts at the university, as well as regulations concerning higher education and Polish law in accordance with the guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in the areas of:
- Ethical and professional aspects.
- Recruitment.
- Working conditions and social security.
- Training.
A preliminary outline of activities leading to the elimination of the identified discrepancies between the principles of the Charter and the Code and the current practices of the UE Katowice has been suggested. In addition, the team analysed and summarized the results of surveys about implementation of the provisions of the Charter and the Code among research, teaching staff and doctoral students. It was presented how it works at the university according to the rules specified in the Charter and the Code regarding: working conditions, quality of human resources management, research and didactic process. The promotion team summarized communication activities directed to disseminating knowledge about HR Excellence in Research among employees and the external environment.
April 2018 - work of the Teams
4 May 2018 - Third meeting of the Team for the implementation of the Charter and the Code - summarized the work of the Teams. There were presented proposals of the "Action Plan" and an outline of the OTMR policy.
June / July 2018 - The "Charter and Code" team prepared a report about internal analysis and the plan of implementation the principles of the Charter and the Code.
August 2018 - acceptance of submitted materials from the work of the Team for Card and Code Implementation (GAP Analysis, OTM-R, Action Plan) by the Chairman of the Monitoring Committee.
17 September 2019 - The Vice-Rector for Science and Academic Staff, prof. Barbara Kos, Ph.D signed the University Social Responsibility Declaration.
Download the content of the University Social Responsibility Declaration
18 November 2019 - Logo "HR Excellence in Research" for the University of Economics in Katowice awarded by the European Commission
The award Logo "HR Excellence in Research" reflects the commitment of the University of Economics in Katowice to continuous improvement of HR policy in accordance with the guidelines contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, in particular the commitment to ensure reliable and transparent recruitment and evaluation procedures.
19 May 2021 - a Team for implementation and monitoring the HR Excellence in Research strategy at the University of Economics in Katowice was established - Rector's Order no. 56/21
16 June 2021 - Meeting of the Team for Implementation and Monitoring of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at the University of Economics in Katowice (online).
The meeting was opened by Vice-Rector for Science and Academic Staff Development – Prof. Maciej Nowak, Ph.D. welcoming all team members.
The current status of implementation the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers was presented and members of the Team were involved in the preparation of the Internal Review.
June - November 2021 development of an internal assessment on progress in implementing the principles of the Charter and the Code (Internal Review) and submission of it to the European Commission together with an updated Action Plan for the next 3 years;
20 December 2021 experts selected by the EC recognized EU Katowice's efforts to date in implementing the principles of the Charter and the Code and accepted the Internal Review report.
The Logo "HR Excellence in Research" for the University of Economics in Katowice awarded by the European Commission for the next 3 years (12.2024).
11.02.2021 / 2022 The Team for Social Responsibility of the University was appointed by the Recotr's Order No. 12/21, and prepared Raport on social responsibility for years 2019-2020.
1.11.2021 - 30.09.2023 UEKat accessible - a programme to support the education process for people with special needs’, implemented under the competition organised by the National Centre for Research and Development entitled “Accessible University II”, POWER.
19.11.2021 Appointment of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment, Anti-Harassment and Discrimination
16.11.2021 Establishment of a Gender Equality Team
07.04.2022 Introducing the Gender Equality Plan at the University of Economics in Katowice for 2022-2025
27.05.2022 Introduction of the Institutional Openness Policy of the University of Economics in Katowice
9.03.2023 /2.09.2024 Appointment of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Open Access
15.10.2024 Report on open access publishing activities for 2022-2024
22.10.2024 - Working meeting of the Team for Implementation and Monitoring of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at the University of Economics in Katowice. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss work related to the preparation of the Internal Review document submitted to the European Commission. It was proposed to carry out a further analysis of institutional legislation in terms of its compliance with the principles of the Charter and the Code, and to preliminarily develop a questionnaire for a survey aimed at employees conducting research activities.
04.11.2024 Working meeting of the Team for the implementation and monitoring of the HR Excellence in Research strategy at the University of Economics in Katowice dedicated to discussing the prepared employee survey. The survey will be conducted to gauge opinions on working conditions five years after receiving the award. Academic staff and PhD students will be asked to complete the survey. The survey will be anonymous - consisting of 41 questions.
November 2024 - Compilation of the results of the employee survey.
22 / 29.11.2024 Working meetings of the Team for Implementation and Monitoring of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at the University of Economics in Katowice dedicated to the discussion of surveys conducted among academic teachers and PhD students.
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