Study offer for first-cycle students (bachelor's degree)
First-cycle studies at the University of Economics last 6 semesters. At the end of the course you are awarded a bachelor's degree. The course in Logistics is an exception as you obtain the professional title of engineer (inżynier) after 7 semesters. Our offer provides a possibility to choose a specialization, which is an advantage.
Accounting and Taxes (new)
The course in Accounting and Taxes focuses on expertise and skills in the field of accounting and taxes. The course provides knowledge in the following areas: keeping of accounts, preparing financial statements, taxation procedures, settling remunerations and social insurances. Students acquire skills for keeping business activity records, preparing financial statements and settling taxes and insurances. The course is conducted in Polish.
The first edition started in the academic year 2019/2020.
There are no specializations within the course.
This is a practical course.
The course is conducted as part of the POWER 2014–2020 program – 'Close - International – All Life Long. Comprehensive Programme of Sustainable Development of the University of Economics in Katowice'.
Business Logistics
The course in Business Logistics is intended for persons who want to learn how to direct the flow of information, financial resources, human and material resources and customer service in terms of logistics, and also how to organize operational activities and facilitate the management of logistics in the functional areas of an enterprise. Students of this course will gain knowledge of the functioning of modern logistics systems and the basics of economic sciences, organization and management. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a general academic course.
Economic Analytics
Students of the Economic Analytics course will acquire the ability to diagnose a social and economic situation for various entities, interpret results of various economic analyzes, and take important economic decisions and foresee their consequences thanks to appropriate business forecasts. The course is conducted in Polish.
There are no specializations within this course.
This is a general academic course.
The course in Economics provides education to high-class specialists in the field of human, physical and financial resources management who are well prepared to take sound economic decisions. Attractive educational programs factor in changes in the economic reality in the region, in the country and in the modern world. Hence, they answer the current needs on the labor market. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
- Distribution and Sales in Domestic and International Markets
- Electronic Economy
- International Commerce
- International Trade
- Managerial Economics
- Real Estate Administration and Public Services
This is a general academic course.
Economy and Public Management
The course in Economy and Public Management is intended for persons who would like to develop their professional career in public and social organizations in the future. This course allows to develop skills of identifying relations between the placement of social units and groups, as well as action undertaken by public and social entities. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
- Public Relations in Organizations
- Risk Management in Organizations
- Management in Public and Social Organizations
- Human Resource Management in Public Administration
This is a general academic course.
Entrepreneurship and Finance
The aim of the practically-oriented Entrepreneurship and Finance course of a practical profile is to transfer knowledge in the field of carrying out business activities and to develop skills necessary to run a company. Students will learn about the aspects of management, finance, accounting, taxes, economic analysis, market analysis, information technology and international business. A characteristic feature of this course is the shaping of an entrepreneurial attitude including, in particular, the management of persons, risk-preparedness, creativity and use of potential market opportunities. The course is conducted in Polish.
There are no specializations within this course.
This is a practical course.
Finance and Accounting
Attending the course in Finance and Accounting allows students to gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in respect of finance and accounting, enterprises and banks, insurers and other financial institutions, the functioning of financial markets and the use of its instruments. We teach our students how to prepare financial information and analyse them, how to evaluate risk, take right financial decisions, find optimal solutions under various economic conditions. The course is conducted in Polish. There is one exeption conducted fully in English --> specialization Finance and Accounting for Business.
Specializations within the course:
- Financial Analyst
- Finance and Accounting for Business (in English)
- Finance and digital technologies
- Accounting and Taxes
- Accounting and Auditing
- Bank Specialist
This is a general academic course.
Finance and Accounting (Rybnik)
The practically-oriented Finance and Accounting course is conducted with the participation of regional economic practitioners. Students participate in practical placement, which last 3 months, partially during the last semester of studies. The educational program offers mainly practical and workshop classes. Most of them require the use of IT techniques and tools. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a practical course.
Finance and Management in Health Care
Students of the Finance and Management in Health Care course will have a chance to learn about aspects of finance and management relating to the essence, correctness and problems connected with the functioning of enterprises and public institutions with a consideration given to the nature of a health care sector, social policy and public health. They will learn how to analyze and evaluate economic phenomena and economic and financial situation of economic units and other entities providing health care services. The course is conducted in Polish.
There are no specializations within the course.
This is a general academic course.
The course in Informatics prepares experts sought for on the labor market, who can use the latest technological developments in informatics and integrate knowledge from various areas. The studies are practically-oriented. During the course, students will learn about the mathematical and IT methods and tools. The knowledge of informatics, especially the theory of databases and data warehouses, designing and programing applications, as well as analysing and processing of large data sets, allow to take up employment in all sorts of organization, including in particular enterprises operating on the fast growing IT market. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
- Algorithmics and Programing
- Databases and Data Engineering
- Integrated Management Information System
- Programing of Games and Mobile Applications
This is a general academic course.
Informatics and Econometrics
Students of the Informatics and Econometrics course will learn about mathematical, statistical and econometric methods and tools necessary for taking sound business decisions. The knowledge of business informatics, especially designing, programing and implementing IT systems and administering computer networks, facilitates employment in all sorts of organizations, such as production and service-oriented enterprises, health care institutions, consulting offices, non-governmental organizations. In addition to digital literacy, students will also gain a basic knowledge of economics, management and finance, understood in a broader sense, which allow them to be successful in business circles. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a general academic course.
International Economic Relations
The aim of the course in International Economic Relations is to transfer knowledge of international relations, as well as acquire practical skills necessary to perform analytic, operational and managerial roles at various levels of management in international enterprises and organizations and institutions of international nature. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a general academic course.
Journalism and Social Communication
Graduates of the Journalism and Social Communication course are prepared to work in the media sector, to cooperate with on-line portals, and to pursue occupations related to social communication, understood in a broader sense. Graduates will also possess a basic knowledge of economics. They will have advanced language skills, practice in using various e-communication tools and skills necessary to function in information society. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
- New media and Electronic Communication in Organizations
- Economic Journalism and Public Relations
- Design of Visual Communication and Narration
This is a practical course.
Logistics (professional title of engineer)
The course in Logistics at the University of Economics in Katowice is distinguished by a practical approach to problems functioning in modern enterprises and public administration units. The studies allow candidates to become familiar with the trends on the market and gain knowledge in the field of the design and functioning of modern logistics systems, basics of economic sciences, management sciences, as well as managerial skills. Each class brings the student closer to the problems of the modern, market and clearly defines the requirements for logistics graduates in the labor market.
Graduates of this course will have knowledge and skills as regards curing of the problems with management practices in economic organizations, public administration organizations and social non-profit organizations, whose activities relate to the TSL sector. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
Logistics is a general academic course.
The course in Management prepares students to work as experts in organization and management, mid- and high-level managers, counsellors and consultants in organizations of economic or public nature, and to carry out their own business activity. Thanks to the theoretical and practical knowledge of management sciences, students will be able to identify, diagnose and tackle problems connected with human, physical, financial and information resources management. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a general academic course.
Managerial Finance
The Managerial Finance course provides the understanding and knowledge of social and market-related phenomena in business entities circles. Graduates of this course will be ready to take up employment in domestic and international enterprises making investments in the region, at home and abroad. The course in Managerial Finance ensures graduates the learning outcomes adjusted to the corporate finance sector, and yet universal, which gives the opportunity to acquire flexible skills used in various industries and types of enterprises. The course is conducted in Polish.
There are no specializations within this course.
This is a general academic course.
Security in Business
Security in Business is interdisciplinary, a practically-oriented course offered as a part-time study. The study program is based on solid knowledge, skills, and social competencies in management and quality sciences, security science, economics, and finance. The course is distinguished by classes with external experts with practical experience and workshops using IT tools. As a result, students gain extensive knowledge, in particular, of computer security and cybersecurity, financial and energy security, public security, and information security, as well as the law and managerial work techniques and risk management. The course is conducted in Polish. The first edition started in the academic year 2019/2020.
There are no specializations within this course.
The course that started in the academic year 2019/2020 is conducted as part of the POWER 2014–2020 program – 'Close - International – All Life Long. Comprehensive Programme of Sustainable Development of the University of Economics in Katowice'.
Spatial Economics
During classes in the Spatial Economics course students gain knowledge and skills allowing them, among others, to prepare a study of conditions and directions of spatial development, local spatial development plans and to form local and regional development strategies. This is an interdisciplinary studies course combining economics, other social and technical sciences. The course is conducted in Polish.
Specializations within the course:
This is a general academic course.
Tourism Economics
The course in Tourism Economics provides knowledge of tourism economics and finance, tourism geography, law, management and marketing in tourism. Once students complete this course, they will be able to perform operational, analytical and managerial roles in enterprises providing tourist services, government and local government administration bodies, social organizations, associations and institutions for the dissemination of tourism. The course is conducted in Polish.
There are no specializations within this course.
This is a general academic course.
Urban Economy and Real Estate
The Major - Urban Economy and Real Estate - is offered at both the first- and second-degree studies. We provide the opportunity to continue and improve knowledge and competences related to real estate and urban economy not only during the MA but also during postgraduate studies.
The first-degree study offer, with a practical profile, is a direct response to the needs of the labor market. Namely, we face the lack of professional staff dealing with servicing and investing in the real estate markets and the shortage of economists specializing in managing city resources and managing urban projects.
There are two specializations offered under this major, i.e. Urban Development Programming and Real Estate. When creating the study offer, the popularity of combining urban and real estate issues - especially in Western Europe and the USA - and the opinions of the key patrons of the course: The City of Katowice, TDJ Estate, were considered. It has allowed to create a unique profile of economic studies in Poland that combines the issues of urban economy and real estate.
The main advantages of the course:
- applied classes in 'Urban & Business Lab' - designing solutions for cities and the real estate markets,
- numerous pragmatic workshops, projects and study visits guided under the supervision of lecturers with experience in working with companies and cities,
- apprenticeship implemented, among others, under the patronage of the City of Katowice and TDJ Estate - key patrons of the Major.
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